Dumb Blonde Kirsten Gillibrand Says Her Favorite Food Is Whiskey

The dumb blonde jokes just write themselves with Kirsten Gillibrand, don’t they? When asked what her favorite food is, she responded “whiskey.” I wish there was more to this interview where I’m sure she listed her favorite color as “pogo stick” and her favorite movie as “rubber gloves.” In Gillibrand’s defense, she’s not the only stupid democrat running for president. In fact most of the other candidates had nearly as stupid answers to this question.

The New York Times interviewed almost all of the 2020 dems, Joe Biden declined, and one of the questions was “What is your comfort food on the campaign trail?” As you will see, most of these answers are disqualifying.

First, let’s get the answers that weren’t too bad:

“I love a good hamburger,” said Steve Bullock.

“I mean, you can’t beat a burger for a quick classic American meal,” said Seth Moulton.

“Grilled chicken sandwich from McDonald’s, no sauce. Two of them,” said John Delaney.

“I’m an ice cream guy,” said Tim Ryan.

“An Italian sausage sandwich at Pass Key in Pueblo, Colorado,” said Micheal Bennet.

Kamala Harris also had a decent answer except that she is clearly lying:

“French fries. I love a good French fry, or a few, or many, or just the whole thing,” said Kamala Harris.

Is she saying that sometimes she likes to eat the whole french fry? Who talks like that? Just say “french fries” you fake-ass bitch.

So far so good, but here’s where things get squirrely:

“A baked potato,” said Amy Klobuchar.

“Kind bars are my comfort food,” said Andrew Yang.

“When you’re a vegan, that means lots of veggies on the go,” said Cory Booker.

“I try to stay away from it, but vegan cupcakes is probably a real threat on the trail,” said Tulsi Gabbard.

Anyone who says their favorite food is vegetables is both lying and can f*ck off. You don’t get to be president if you think a vegan cupcake is an awesome treat.

Then there were a couple of unintentional joke answers:

“I think if I’ve got one go-to, it’s pulled pork,” said Bill de Blasio.

“The word got out that I like beef jerky, and so people have been kind enough to give that to me on the road sometimes,” said Pete Buttigieg.

The gay guy likes jerking beef and the blowhard pulls his pork? I guess we probably already knew that.

Then there was this odd exchange that may signal some infighting:

“I do have a sweet tooth, and I will look for those little bowls of, you know, M&M’s or mints,” said John Hickenlooper.

“It was M&Ms, but I’ve taken an oath now to lay off of the M&M’s to maintain belt security,” said Jay Inslee.

If I didn’t know better, I’d say Hickenlooper done stole Inslee’s M&M’s.

Elizabeth Warren has apparently picked a new culture to appropriate:

“Probably chips and guacamole,” said Elizabeth Warren.

Probably? She doesn’t know what her favorite food is? Nice non-committal answer, speaking of which:

“Any kind of fast food,” said Beto O’Rourke.

“Last time out, we did a trip to the West Coast, and I gained three pounds in four days. So it’s too much comfort food,” said Bernie Sanders.

“I have no comfort food,” said Marianne Williamson.

Lucky for Bernie there is no food at all under socialism so that will work out well for him.

Finally, here are the dipshits would clearly didn’t understand the question:

“I don’t have a food. I have a comfort drink, which is iced tea,” said Julián Castro.

“It’s really comfort coffee. My favorite coffee is a mocha,” said Eric Swalwell.


“A glass of whiskey at the end of the night,” said Kirsten Gillibrand.

At least Castro and Swalwell qualified their answers by saying it wasn’t a food but a drink. Gillibrand, in an answer to what her favorite food is, just blurted out “whiskey!” Not only does she come off as an idiot, she seems like she may a have drinking problem.

It’s a shame Joe Biden wouldn’t participate in this because I’m almost certain his favorite food is “little girls.”