Lunchpail Joe Has Lame Excuse For Being Walloped By Kamala Harris

Former Vice President Joe Biden has entered damage control mode over his disastrous debate performance and in an interview with CNN, he had only a lame excuse to offer up.

According to lunchbucket Joe, he “wasn’t prepared” for the vicious knifing on the stage in Miami when he was destroyed in front of a television audience of millions by identity politics queen Kamala Harris who wasted no time in going to the race card.

Not prepared? Maybe the dog ate his debate prep notes too.

The clearly planned ambush by the cunning and ambitious Californian vaulted her out of the single digits into as high as second place depending on which poll it was and a media that had as recently as a few weeks ago been treating Biden like the presumptive nominee.

At least one major Biden donor was so distraught by the candidate’s poor preparation and sleepwalking through the debate that he pulled his financial backing with more likely follow suit.

So it was that Team Biden is working desperately to triage his suddenly sinking campaign and the candidate got a helping hand from the reliable friendlies at the self-proclaimed “most trusted name in news” in an exclusive interview.

Via The Hill, “Biden: I was not prepared for Harris to come at me the way she did on busing”:

Former Vice President Joe Biden, in an interview that aired Friday, said he was not prepared for Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) to attack him the way she did on racial issues during their first Democratic primary debate.

“I was prepared for them to come after me, but I wasn’t prepared for the person coming at me the way she came at me,” Biden told CNN’s Chris Cuomo in an interview.

Harris and Biden went head-to-head last week when she confronted him on his past comments on working with segregationist senators and his record on busing during the forum last week.

Biden defended his position on busing, which he said he has opposed for decades, saying Harris took it out of context.

“You had overwhelming response from the African American community in my state,” Biden said. “They were, they did not support it. They did not support it.”

Biden’s lack of preparedness would seem to validate comments that an unnamed former aide made to Time magazine just before Sleepy Joe officially entered the race that his campaign was “half-assed and that it would all be downhill after day one.

Even though the crux of the Harris attack centered around desegregation and busing – issues resolved decades ago and are alien concepts to younger generations – it’s incomprehensible that the former veep and his team wouldn’t have been ready to punch back considering the amount of mileage that the two black candidates got out of Biden’s favorable comments about two Dixiecrat senators.

How they would NOT have been prepared despite over a week of race-baiting from the dynamic duo of Harris and Cory Booker is a testament to how poorly that Biden has run his campaign – at least to this point.

Whether the public relations efforts work with restoring good old Joe to good graces of the media as the most electable Democrat among a pack of far-left socialist zanies and demagogues whipping up racial resentment remains to be seen but there is a good chance that the damage may be irreversible.

One thing is for certain and that Creepy Joe had better show up for the next debate ready to rumble or he’s destined for an nearly ouster.