Bernie Sanders Says It’s ‘Inappropriate’ For President Trump To Enforce Immigration Law

Let’s add “inappropriate’ the the list of words liberals have alternate meanings for. Socialist kook Bernie Sanders says it’s inappropriate for President Trump to deport illegal aliens who have had final removal orders. What he’s saying is that the President is way out of line for enforcing existing immigration law, which sounds dumb to people who go by the correct definition of “inappropriate,” but probably makes a lot of sense to brain-dead liberals. The things democrats like Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Joe Biden have done are inappropriate, but Trump upholding and enforcing the law is right on.

Sanders was on Meet the Press Sunday and stumbled trying to explain why his brand of socialism isn’t really socialism. Host Margaret Brennan got bored with this and decided to give a softball question he could handle but boy was she wrong.

“There are ICE raids set to start Sunday morning. Estimates of some 2000 people or so who will be targeted. Is this appropriate?” Brennen asked.

“No it’s not. It’s absolutely inappropriate,” responded sanders.

The host looked at Sanders like, “You are a f*cking moron, let’s try this again.”

“The President says these individuals have broken the law and haven’t shown up for court dates,” pleaded Brennan.

“But this is the President who also tweeted out last week that he is prepared, I think, to round up millions of undocumented people and that is so horrific. So un-American that it is unacceptable and I will do everything I can to stop that,” said Sanders.

Not only does Sanders think it is inappropriate for Trump to enforce the law, he thinks it’s unacceptable, horrific, and un-American. This asshole doesn’t know what any words mean.

He also doesn’t quite get the Constitutional separation of powers. You see, Congress passes the laws and then the President enforces them. Sanders’ branch of government passed a law that says you have to have permission to be in the United State and if you don’t, you are sent home. Trump, as is his Constitutional duty, is simply enforcing this law. It really couldn’t be any more appropriate, acceptable, non-horrifying, and American than that.

Somehow Sanders’ shitty answer managed to stink even more:

“You got some 11 million undocumented people in this country and our job is to pass comprehensive immigration reform with a path toward citizenship,” said Sanders. “That’s what the American people want.”

He sure has his finger on the pulse of America, doesn’t he? The only people who want this country flooded with illegal aliens are democrats like him who need their fraudulent votes to stay in office. The rest of us aren’t nearly as excited to have our country destroyed by a foreign invasion.

The host tried a third time to get Sanders to agree that the President has both a right and a duty to enforce existing immigration laws.

“But specifically on this point, the 2000 that are supposed to be targeted haven’t shown up for court dates. Essentially they are not following the asylum process. The legal standard when they are here. So should they be prosecuted? Should they be deported?” Brennan asked.

“I don’t like this deportation thing at all and I think Trump uses this as a beginning to do worse things to come,” said Sanders.

So that’s a no? Sanders doesn’t believe that illegal aliens, who broke the law by sneaking into the country, should be prosecuted for breaking further laws while they are here. This is Sanders saying that illegal aliens should have more rights than American citizens and be above the law. This is the thing open-borders democrats don’t usually say out loud, but Sanders did.

There’s a million reasons why Bernie Sanders should never be president: he’s a commie, a pervert, a liar, a psycho, etc… but this immigration answer alone is disqualifying. Not only is he trying to steal power away from the Executive Brach, he’s laying a blueprint for the total destruction of the United States. I guess that would qualify him to be president of the Soviet Union, but definitely not of this country.