Elizabeth Warren Skips Border Funding Vote For Photo Op To Demand Border Funding

There was a vote in the Senate today on a border funding bill, but not all Senators were present. Elizabeth Warren was at detention facility housing illegal alien children for a photo op demanding more funding for the border. Huh? I know she’s confused about a lot of things like capitalism, women’s hairstyles, and ancestry, but she’s particularly baffled by what her job as a US Senator is. This is basically her shaking her old lady fist and screaming that those idiots in Congress should do something, completely forgetting that she’s one of those idiots.

The Senate passed a $4.5 million border funding bill Wednesday that includes $3 billion in humanitarian aid. Meanwhile, Elizabeth Warren was at the Homestead detention facility that houses illegal alien kids, complaining that the accommodations were inadequate. If only there were some way, as a US Senator, Warren could allocate some funds to improve the conditions at facilities like this.

Warren used this as a shameless photo op to jump-start her sagging presidential campaign. She wasn’t allowed in the facility, but apparently she got up on a ladder to look over the wall. No seriously, she was up on a ladder furiously trying to get these kids’ attention.

“I waved, some of the children looked over, some kept their heads down,” said Warren.

Can you imagine how freaked out these kids must have been to see a crazy-ass white lady with a man’s haircut waving like a maniac at them? Isn’t their ordeal bad enough without having to subject them to Elizabeth Warren?

Warren then described the deplorable conditions inside:

“I saw a harsh, flat, packed down field with a couple of soccer goals in each one, baking in the sun and temporary shelters that were all covered up,” Warren said.

They have a soccer field? Gee, that doesn’t sound like a concentration camp, it sounds like a summer camp. Also, what’s with her saying the temporary shelters were covered like that’s a bad thing? Would she prefer if the temporary shelters were open to the elements?

Warren also said there were some children walking single-file from one place to another and it caused her great concern.

“There weren’t children playing. There weren’t children laughing the way children usually do when they’re moving from one place to another. These were children who were being marched like little soldiers, like little prisoners, from one place to another,” said Warren.

Has she ever seen and/or participated in a fire drill at a school? It’s kids walking in a single-file line with teachers and staff making sure no one is left behind. It sounds amazingly like what she just described, doesn’t it? This is a facility for illegal alien children who were abandoned by their parents and some effort to keep track of them must be made.

“These children did not commit a crime. These children pose no threat to people here in the United States of America, and yet they are locked up for weeks, for month, because our government is following a policy of inflicting maximum pain on families that flee here trying to build a better life, and [President Trump is] doing it for the worst of political reasons,” said Warren.

What should we do with these kids? The vast majority of them were apprehended illegally crossing the border either unaccompanied or with adults who definitely aren’t their parents. The kids are moved to facilities like Homestead while the Department of Health and Human Services tries to find family members or suitable foster homes to place them with. Should we just let these kids roam free with no adult supervision?

The problem is, the entire system is overwhelmed and under-funded, which brings us back to that vote Warren skipped today so she could bitch about things she could have actually helped fix. But hey, democrats aren’t about fixing things. If they were, they wouldn’t be democrats.