Thursday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Good morning Deplorables! That long haul to the weekend is looking a tad shorter today…

Dem Debates: A Race To The Bottom

By Ben Garrison

Joe Biden still holds an early lead in the 2020 Democratic presidential race.

Can any of the current frontrunners beat Trump? I doubt it. Perhaps a dark horse will emerge from the pack and gain popularity, but I doubt that, too. If one does, then I will spend some time reading up on them. Otherwise, I will concentrate on following the leaders. Here are my short, succinct thoughts on five of them:

BIDEN: Creepy Joe. Career politician Joe. Scandal-ridden Joe. Very old, slow Joe. Even Obama is embarrassed by him. He may be there as a placeholder for crooked Hillary, who hopes the Democrats will beg her to run again once they realize that Sleepy Joe has loser written all over him.

WARREN: Pocahontas promises free stuff and reparations. Maybe she should give Native Americans in her state some money out of her own pocket. She needs to pay them back for stealing their heritage in order to further her career. Trump would scalp her.

MAYOR PETE: Butti-whatever is a novelty. Some people think it’s time for our first gay president, but we already had one—Obama. We already had a first-man, too

BERNIE: He’s even older than Biden, but it doesn’t deter him from cranking up his communist claptrap for one more drive toward the presidency. I showed him driving a Model T because Bernie is too old and his communism is nothing new.

KAMALA “Horizontal” HARRIS: I thought she might be the frontrunner by now, but the ‘female Obama’ is not off to a fast start. Perhaps because people are completely and utterly sick of the lying fraud that is Obama.

They’re all losers. I hope Hillary will jump back in to save her party, which she owns lock, stock, and lying corporate media barrel. Trump defeating her a second time would be glorious.

Check out all of Ben’s great cartoons and commentary HERE.

Immigration as Reparations?

Via American Greatness

The New York Times recently published an op-ed advancing a rather peculiar argument. Author Suketu Mehta builds on the familiar, hackneyed debate over reparations for slavery to make an even bolder, but more politically contemporary proposal: as penance for colonialism, the West should open its borders to the Third World.

Mehta suggests immigration quotas for Western countries that correspond with their respective historical sins. Mehta categorizes the nations of the world into “creditors” and “debtors,” according to their legacy as oppressors or oppressed within roughly the past 500 years.

By this token, “Britain should have quotas for Indians and Nigerians; France for Malians and Tunisians; Belgium for very large numbers of Congolese.” The West should accept 12 million African laborers, one for every African enslaved by the colonialists of the past.

While audacious, this argument expresses what many on the Left believe, but are often careful to avoid stating frankly: that mass migration should be seen as a form of just punishment for the West’s history.

Read the entire article HERE.

Teen Vogue Promotes “The Legacy Of Karl Marx” To Its 3.3 Million Twitter Followers

Via Zero Hedge

Calling him the “famed German that co-authored The Communist Manifesto”, as if the work should be celebrated, the historical scholars over at Teen Vogue are now indoctrinating their young readers as to why they should be reading Karl Marx.

A recent article in Teen Vogue celebrates Marx’s 200th birthday and says Marx’s ideas “can still teach us about the past and present.”

Yeah, here’s what didn’t work – any why we should never attempt it again.

And perhaps in an attempt to align themselves with the 2020 Democratic Presidential candidates (we’re only half joking), Teen Vogue tweeted out “The legacy of Karl Marx’s ideas” to its 3.3 million Twitter followers just days ago.

Read the entire article HERE.

Seattle City Council Vows To Support ‘Environmental Justice’ With Its Own ‘Green New Deal’ Plan

Via Townhall

All nine Seattle city council members signed a “Green New Deal” pledge on Monday, vowing to eliminate all climate pollution by 2030, as well as instituting other programs that promote “environmental justice” in order to combat racial and economic inequality caused by climate change.

The pledge was in response to a campaign created by a non-profit known as Got Green as well as a local union. The groups asked the council to take climate change more seriously by drastically interfering in the Seattle economy to reduce pollution.

In response, Seattle’s city council said, “Seattle has long been proud to be a national leader in the environmental movement, but it’s time for us to recognize that what is truly needed is environmental justice. We need to show how Seattle – a City that prides itself on its progressive values – can also lead the way in confronting the historical and current injustices that have created a society of deep racial and economic inequities.”

“We need bold community leaders like you to hold us accountable, and ensure that as public servants, we are creating the boldest and most visionary policies possible to meet the unprecedented crisis of climate change,” the council continued.

Read the entire article HERE.

Democrats Were the Party of Segregation Years Ago, and they Still Are Today

Via PJ Media

…what no one seems to be talking about is the hypocrisy of the Democrat outrage over Biden’s comments. It would be nice to think that Democrats, who were the party of segregation fifty years ago, have learned the evils of separating people by race, ethnicity, religion, etc., but they actually have not. They were the party of segregation back then, and they are the party of segregation today. Segregation is happening right now, voluntarily, across the country, in public and private institutions dominated by liberals, who preach equality and diversity but can’t quite figure out how to practice what they preach.

According to The College Fix, more than 75 universities, public and private, host segregated graduation ceremonies for black students. These ceremonies are offered in addition to the main commencement ceremonies available to all student and are not required, but nonetheless, are celebrated forms of segregation by left-wing institutions. Virginia Tech offers ten separate graduation ceremonies for various groups, such as African-American, Asian, Latino, Muslim, and LGBTQ students. Harvard University even debuted their “UndocuGraduation” this year for students in the United States illegally.

Some campuses also offer segregated “safe spaces” and events on campus for black students only. In 2018, Brown University hosted segregated lunchtime discussions, which, ironically were created in response to “more inclusive events to increase participation from students of color.” Segregated student housing appears to be the next wave of self-segregation.

Read the entire article HERE.

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