Commentary: The (Democrat Party) Communist/Globalist Crime Syndicate Hates America

Under the Regime of figurehead Joe Biden, communists/globalists have waged an economic blitzkrieg of crushing inflation and astronomical gas prices designed to crush the middle class and grow state power.

This from

As Mark Levin concludes:

The Democrat Party stands for the relentless pursuit of power and control.

America was founded on the principle of individual and human liberty

and the dispersion of political and governmental power…

If the Democrat party succeeds, the American experiment will have failed.

And the conclusion any neutral observer would almost certainly reach about the state of the union since Trump’s exit from the White House is that, as bestselling author and talk radio superstar Mark Levin put it in the title of his newest book, The Democrat Party Hates America.

 – [The Left has] instituted pro-crime policies that has created lawless urban war zones and driven businesses out of inner cities,

– They have thrown open our southern border and facilitated a tsunami of unvetted, illegal migrants bussed and flown all over the nation,

– They have allowed rampant homelessness and a flood of fentanyl to ravage our cities,

– They have exacerbated racial tensions by stoking anti-white racism and backing ideological subversion like Critical Race Theory in our schools and DEI policies in every human resources department,

– They have alienated our allies by putting LGBTQ demands at the very center of our foreign policy goals,

– They have pursued a full-frontal assault on our constitutional freedoms, including weaponizing federal agencies against political enemies like concerned parents at school board meetings, and

– [T]hey have empowered our enemies through tepid leadership, military debacles like the exit from Afghanistan, the funding of the nuclear ambitions of the Islamic terror regime in Iran, and bending the knee to the Chinese Communist Party.

In his latest work, from Simon & Schuster’s Threshold imprint, Mark Levin devotes several profound chapters to exploring various aspects of the Left’s assault on our beloved country:

 – [The Left’s] authoritarianism,

– [A]nti-black racism and anti-Semitism,

– [A]nti-white racism,

– [L]anguage and thought control,

– Stalin-like attacks on political opponents, and

– [W]ars on our families, our citizens, and our constitution.

Levin wrote:

People ask me all the time, ‘Why is this happening to our country? Don’t these Democrat politicians and their friends care about our country?’

The answer is power.

The power to rule over the citizenry and remake not just society but mankind into the kind of image that these would-be masterminds prefer and demand. In other words, they do not share our values, beliefs, and principles. They have a totalitarian mind-set. This means the party must come before country, as the party is the means by which the country is to be conquered from within and ultimately ruled.

Levin noted in the book’s epilogue:

Unlike the Republican Party, the Democrat Party is more than a political party. It is the state party. It seeks to monopolize the political system, the culture, government, and society.


…the Democrat Party single-handedly builds permanent centers of power, including in the vast federal bureaucracy, subsidized nongovernment organizations, lifetime activist judges, tenured professors and teachers, Party members in the media, etc. The Democrat party uses the culture and politics to empower itself and its agenda…

Consequently, over time, it becomes increasingly difficult to reverse the Democrat Party’s political and cultural damage.

Indeed, it does, and the feckless, “flat-footed” Republican Party, by contrast:

[F]ails in its most important mission: to defend the American people from a Democrat party that literally hates the country and is destroying it from within.

Levin explains:

Biden is following in Barack Obama’s Marxist footsteps by ‘fundamentally transforming’ our republic through an authoritarian, monopoly party that is eviscerating the Constitution and targeting its political opponents.


I spent more than a year researching and writing this book [and] it became obvious to me:

– [T]he Democrat party is a treacherous political organization dating back to its founding;

– [T]hat its obsession is with self-empowerment and societal control;

– [T]hat it has never embraced Americanism; and

– [T]hat it is the entity through which, and in coordination with, American Marxism (self-described “Progressivism” and “democratic socialism”) intends to impose its top-down revolution.

America is unraveling, Levin wrote, adding:

It is my deepest hope that this book, like a Thomas Paine pamphlet to the early colonists, will help alert our fellow citizens to the existential threat and rally them peacefully to the cause before darkness descends on the Republic.

Again, We the People are encouraged to ask ourselves, as Ronald Reagan once urged us to do: Are Americans better off than we were four years ago?