Breakfast For The Brain Weekend Edition

Enjoy the weekend Deplorables!

The Liberal War On You

Via Townhall

We are witnessing the death of the liberal political machine that the elite has operated since the end of World War II, and everything that it is doing to conservatives right now – the censorship, the threats, the intimidation, the violence – is proof that it is dying. These are not the acts of an ideology in ascendance but rather of a scurrilous political paradigm in precipitous decline. And it’s only going to get worse as those losing their grip on political and cultural power desperately try to hold onto it in the face of our populist revolt.

Be prepared. It’s going to get uglier. Our would-be masters see the stakes – their power, prestige and position – and that’s why there is nothing they won’t do, no alleged principle they won’t upend, no bogus value they won’t abandon, to put off the reckoning that their greed and incompetence have brought upon them.

It’s not just happening here in America. It’s happening all over the world – in places like Australia, Hungary, the UK, Brazil, and Italy, uppity citizens have proclaimed that enough is enough, that they want to have a say in their own future. That they have had enough of multiculturalism, globalism and scorn. They want their countries back.

Let’s review the situation here. Silicon Valley’s tech moguls, who advocated a free and open internet when it was to their advantage, have found, to their horror, that Normal people could use it to make themselves heard about the utter failure of our betters at home and abroad. That’s why we have seen the elite’s 180-degree pivot toward censorship and thought control on the web. The progressives never believed in free speech except to the precise extent it was useful to them; the tech titans’ alleged libertarianism extended only as far as them not being held accountable to the people through the people’s government, and no further. Now that they are in power, well, free speech is suddenly very, very bad. People are saying things the elite dislikes. That’s not supposed to happen.

Read the entire article HERE.

Welcome to the Freak Show

Via American Greatness

The Democrats’ working families, small business growth and national security plan is as follows: raise our taxes, abolish private-pay health insurance, take our guns, regulate our industries out of existence, take what’s left of our salaries to pay for slavery reparations and abortions for men, exploit our youth into Vladimir Lenin idol-worshipers, and open our borders indefinitely, suborning illegal aliens to break laws without consequences.

Oh, and don’t forget the “free” healthcare for illegal aliens!

Remember this: as much hatred of Trump as there was in 2016, it will have had 48 months to fester come 2020. A desperate enemy—one willing to sacrifice its own offspring for self-preservation—is a dangerous enemy.

I do often wonder: does our side understand just how much effort Democrats exert to conquer us? Democrats are militant; I see no way to defeat them unless we reciprocate with more effort and more intensity. Our preference is to be left alone, with our rights intact and uninfringed. Democrats, however, believe the opposite: no one who shuns the Democrat death cult should ever be left alone.

Democrat politicians are just the equivalent of taxpayer-funded activists willing to come to Miami, Florida, and quote Che Guevera, a murderous terrorist who killed some of the ancestors of the Cubans who live there. Politics is a vanity project for Democrat lawmakers; they have no interest in governing or representing. Their interest is in owning and manacling you, your families, and your livelihoods.

Read the entire article HERE.

Nike and Betsy Ross’ Flag: The Left Salutes Tribalism

Via Real Clear Politics

In this world of woke projection, even the original Old Glory transforms somehow into a symbol of oppression. Democratic presidential candidate Julian Castro declared that he was “glad to see” Nike’s recall, adding, “There are a lot of things in our history that are still very painful.” What exactly, Mr. Castro, is “painful” about the flag that represents our upstart nation rebelling for freedom from the tyranny of a dictatorial king across the ocean? On MSNBC, Georgetown Professor Michael Eric Dyson actually compared the Betsy Ross flag to such symbols of venomous hate as the Nazi swastika and burning crosses of the Ku Klux Klan. During my Tuesday night appearance on Chris Cuomo’s show, my CNN colleague Bakari Sellers defended Nike with the preposterous smear that “this country was built on white supremacy.” In response I pointed out that present-day America is actually an amazing place to be a minority. In fact, people of color (like me) embrace many distinct advantages today, particularly in key areas such as advanced education, government contracting, and corporate vendor programs.

Read the entire article HERE.

The Western Leftwing Preaches Hatred of the Working Class

By Paul Craig Roberts

Today’s leftists are into hate, not the hate of the capitalist exploiter, who most likely has bought them off, but the hate of white people, especially straight white males. The American left is into Identity Politics and Antifa. Identity Politics damns the working class as the “Trump deplorables.” The working class is no longer a favored victim group. Indeed, it is a victimizer. The official victim groups are “racial minorities,” who actually are huge majorities in the world, females, homosexuals and lesbians, and the “transgendered.” Anyone can become transgendered simply by declaring themselves to be the opposite gender from what they are.

The working class is under attack for being “white supremacists.” This is the way to shut them up, while sympathy is directed to the poor male who has declared himself transgendered into a woman and just won a woman’s sport event. Normal people (soon a crime) have criticized letting a man win a women’s sport contest, and the leftwing comes down on these normal people for being ‘transgender phobic.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Slave Registers From London Name The Slaves That Kamala Harris’s Family Owned

Via Big League Politics

Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris is descended from Irish slave owner Hamilton Brown, the namesake of Brown’s Town in Jamaica, who recruited massive numbers of Irish migrants to Jamaica to work on his sugar plantations after the British empire abolished slavery.

Kamala Harris’ father Donald Harris wrote an essay entitled “Reflections of a Jamaican Father” for Jamaica Global Online, in which he made a startling admission (emphasis added):

“My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town) and to my maternal grandmother Miss Iris (née Iris Finegan, farmer and educator, from Aenon Town and Inverness, ancestry unknown to me). The Harris name comes from my paternal grandfather Joseph Alexander Harris, land-owner and agricultural ‘produce’ exporter (mostly pimento or all-spice), who died in 1939 one year after I was born and is buried in the church yard of the magnificent Anglican Church which Hamilton Brown built in Brown’s Town (and where, as a child, I learned the catechism, was baptized and confirmed, and served as an acolyte).”

Harris’ father’s passage ends

Hamilton Brown was not only a slave owner, but also an engineer of mass Irish migration to Jamaica after the British empire abolished slavery in 1834.

Read the entire article HERE.

How Many Americans Submitted Complaints Against Robocalls? Analysis of the FTC’s Do Not Call Registry

Via Comparitech

Robocalls have been on the rise in the U.S. for years, prompting the FCC to launch a new anti-robocalling initiative in June 2019. Ajit Pai, who heads the FCC, has claimed the new policies will help consumers, ‘Stem the flow of scam robocalls,” the initiative has been met with widespread criticism. Much of this hinges on the assertion that the plan “has no teeth;” in other words, while it puts several directives in place, it lacks the ability to actually enforce any of them. Furthermore, it’s unclear how the new technology allowed under the directive will be funded or implemented.

This makes a huge difference to consumers, as Americans already spend an incredible amount of time on their phones. The average phone carrier in the U.S. spends over four hours on a device per day, to be exact, and this massive increase in usage has come along with a big increase in robocalls. These unwanted calls, which range from debt collectors to imposter scams, occurred approximately 26.3 billion times in the U.S. in 2018.

To get a better handle on what these calls are about and who gets targeted, we analyzed data from the Federal Trade Commission to understand better robocalls registered around the U.S. over time. In addition to confirming the findings already reported in numerous studies on the scope and scale of robocalls, we learned about the efficacy of do not call lists, the number of complaints about robocalls, and the biggest states for unwanted, robotic voice spam. Read on to see how your region compares – and what’s going on at the other end of your phone.

Read the entire article HERE.

To end fatphobia, we need to dismantle Western civilization, says Philly therapist Sonalee Rashatwar

Via The Philadelphia Inquirer

As the fat-positivity movement has gained momentum, so, too, have debates around how fat folks should lead healthy lives. Rashatwar, though, considers how sizeism is affected by racism, misogyny, classism, homophobia, transphobia, and ableism, and she counsels people against intentional weight loss.

She pointed to the work of the artist-activist Ashleigh Shackelford, who has written that wearing clothes from the boys’ section growing up, when many items for girls didn’t fit, altered how Shackelford experienced gender. Rashatwar, who noted that people may perceive feminine bodies as more masculine if they’re fat, feels similarly about her upbringing. Being big and being the eldest child, she said, made her feel less like a girl growing up.

Her perspective, one of a fat South Asian nonbinary person, has gained enhanced notoriety through Instagram, where she often posts telegram-like advice to the account @thefatsextherapist. Last July, she celebrated 4,000 followers. Today, her follower count approaches 20 times that.

She posts her advice in colorful blocks of text (“your body is an heirloom,” “do you consume porn with bodies that look like yours?”) and then expands on those concepts in the captions.

Rashatwar traces contemporary fatphobia to colonial brutality and how enslaved people were treated. Citing researcher-advocate Caleb Luna, Rashatwar said curing anti-fatness would mean dismantling society’s foundation: “I love to talk about undoing Western civilization because it’s just so romantic to me.”

Read the entire article HERE.

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