Newsweek Identifies Democrat Suing AOC As A Republican

The easiest way for the liberal media to make democrats look less terrible is to falsely identify them as Republicans. A former NY State Assemblyman is suing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for blocking him on Twitter and Newsweek says that he’s a Republican. The problem is, he’s a democrat and has been for 35 years. This could really open up the history revision and let democrats get out of all the shitty things they’ve done since the founding of this country.

This week a federal judge ruled that President Trump couldn’t legally block people on Twitter because he is a public figure and the social media platform is a public form. Twitter is most certainly not a public form since they have arbitrary rules about what speech is allowed and what is banned, but liberal judges don’t consider facts when making activist rulings.

Based on that decision, a couple of people are now suing dipshit congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and this is how Newsweek sees it:


A pair of Republicans from New York reportedly have pending lawsuits against Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for blocking them on Twitter.

Former state assemblyman Dov Hikind tweeted Tuesday afternoon that if President Donald Trump was told by a judge that he cannot block anyone on social media, then Congress should follow the same rules.

I took screenshots because surely they will correct this and try to pretend it never happened, right? Then again, Newsweek doesn’t exactly give a shit about journalistic integrity.

A pair of Republicans? Dov Hikind is a long time democratic assemblyman from New York. Something he desperately wants Newsweek to know:

In all fairness, the other person suing AOC appears to be a Republican, so Newsweek is batting .500, which is great in baseball but not so much in reporting:

Joseph Saladino, who calls himself the first “YouTuber to run for office,” is running for Congress against incumbent Max Rose. Saladino said Tuesday evening that he has filed his paperwork already.

“I have officially filed my lawsuit against [Ocasio-Cortez] for blocking me on twitter. Trump is not allowed to block people, will the standards apply equally? Stay tuned to find out!”

Saladino posted a photo of his filing, and he checked the box that indicates he does not want a jury trial. He added, “If we can’t talk to one another, the whole system breaks down. Look what is happening in my district when entrenched NeverTrumpers are confronted by America First ideas. Like it or not we live in the same city and we need to be professional.”

While this may seem like an honest mistake, it’s actually a calculated fake news move and it’s brilliant. Democrats have a long history of being horrible that has never been addressed and the liberal media can simply erase all of it with some creative headlines:

Republican President Marches Thousands Of Indians To Death In ‘Trail Of Tears’

Republicans Refuse To Give Up Their Slaves, Secede From The Union

Republicans Form New Social Club Known As The KKK

Republican President Puts Japanese Americans In Internment Camps

Republicans Pass Laws To Segregate The South

Republican Governor Blocks Racial Integration Of Schools

Republicans Oppose Civil Rights Act

Republican Kills Mary Jo Kopechne

Republican Governor Rapes Jaunita Broaddrick

Republican President Whips Out His Dick In Front Of Multiple Women

Republican First Lady Kills Vince Foster

Republican President Spies On Americans, Jails Journalists

Republican Governor Moonwalks In Blackface

On the flip side of that, they can take credit for great Republican achievements since they’ve done nothing good in their entire history:

Democratic President Ends Slavery, Preserves The Union

Democratic President Defeats Communism

Democratic President Delivers Best Economy In 2 Generations

See, suddenly the democrats look pretty good. Well, they still don’t have any ideas or solutions to fix all of the disasters they’ve created, but at least they come off as slightly less racist and sexist.