Liberals Come Unglued Over Trump’s Anti-Omar Tweets

On Sunday President Trump tweeted out a message to anti-American democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar telling her basically if she doesn’t like it here, leave. This has been seen as the most racist thing Trump has done since the last most racist thing he did. Proving they are children, liberals are using this latest faux outrage to call for Ivanka Trump and Ted Cruz to be deported. I’m not making this up. This was the actual liberal response.

As you know Ilhan Omar has made a series of anti-Semitic and anti-American statements since taking office earlier this year. She clearly hates this country so President Trump suggested she leave in some tweets on Sunday:

As you can see, Trump doesn’t specifically name anyone in these tweets but liberals think he’s talking about “The Squad” which is dipshit Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Muslims Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, and that other chick nobody cares about. Trump does say “Congresswomen” from other countries, but only Omar isn’t a natural-born American so chances are he was just talking about her.

Liberals noted that all 4 of these insufferable Reps are women of color, so this obviously has to be racism. It’s the same argument that AOC used on Nancy Pelosi for giving the Squad shit, but Trump is a white male Republican, so obviously this is way worse and far more racist.

You may have noticed that Trump never said he wants to forcibly remove Omar or anyone else, just that he suggested if they are unhappy they should go. This is one of the many simple points liberals missed so their reactions was over-the-top even for crazy leftists.

Here’s Washington Post columnist Anne Applebaum proving she’s 4-years-old:

And because liberals never have original thoughts, here’s “conservative” Ana Navarro saying pretty much the same thing:

Okay, stay with me on this one: if it’s racist to suggest Ilhan Omar should go back to Somalia if she doesn’t like it here, wouldn’t it be super-racist to demand that Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio be deported? It’s not possible to fight racism with racism and it’s even less possible to fight non-racism with extreme racism.

Ilhan Omar literally despises the United States of America despite the fact that this country has given her everything. It’s not racist to suggest she go back to the shithole from whence she came, it’s commonsense advice. You don’t like the service at this restaurant, go eat somewhere else. You don’t like the merchandise at this store, shop at another. Very simple.