What? Kamala And Lizzy Took Contributions From Shady Big Money Donors?

I know this is going to come as kind of a shock, but some democrats are kind of full of crap. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren both took money from the same big money donors that they rage against and pledged that they wouldn’t. Actually, now that I think about it, this is fairly constant with the hypocrisy and lying of the democratic party. If they something there’s an almost 100% chance they don’t mean it.

First up is this from The AP:

Kamala Harris bemoaned the influence of the powerful and connected elite last Tuesday when she called on top Justice Department officials to recuse themselves from any matter related to Jeffrey Epstein. She said their former law firm’s work on behalf of the financier accused of sexual abuse “calls into question the integrity of our legal system.”

Yet the same day, Harris’ husband headlined a Chicago fundraiser for her presidential campaign that was hosted by six partners of that firm — Kirkland and Ellis, according to an invitation obtained by The Associated Press.

Hmm, so the integrity of our legal system is destroyed if anyone from the Justice Department ever had dealings with the law firm that represented Bill Clinton’s rape buddy Jeffrey Epstein, but the integrity of Kamala Harris campaign is intact if she takes assloads of cash from the same law firm? How is that possible?

Even more hypocritical is this Elizabeth Warren thing from Buzzfeed:

Elizabeth Warren relied on a multimillion-dollar Democratic donor to cover the cost of an expensive voter database…when her campaign turned to one of California’s top Democratic donors, a wealthy Silicon Valley physician named Karla Jurvetson, to help pay for access to a crucial voter database earlier this spring.

The so-called national voter file, a pool of data about millions of people that presidential campaigns use as a foundation for their own private data as they identify and track support over time, is managed by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and costs campaigns a total of $175,000…

The DNC term sheet outlines two ways campaigns may pay for the voter file: by transferring funds directly to the DNC, or raising that money “to” the DNC through donors.

Jurvetson, who contributed about $7 million to Democratic causes during the 2018 election, gave a total of $100,000 to the DNC in April 2019, Federal Election Commission filings show. The donations, according to two Democratic operatives with knowledge of the agreement, helped Warren pay for the voter file.

This is a problem because Warren swore that she wouldn’t take any campaign contributions from big money donors, claims she hates rich people, and has vowed to get “dark money” out of politics. Obviously she meant for everyone else but her.

Somehow this gets funnier:

Jurvetson also helped cover the costs for one of Warren’s competitors, California Sen. Kamala Harris, the Democratic sources said.

I guess now Warren has to take some money from the law firm that represented Jeffrey Epstein to make things even.

Warren’s campiagn said that having this guy pay for her voter database doesn’t violate her pledge to reject big money donations because she never personally called Jurvetson to solicit the funds. Man, those democrats are good at creating loopholes and exceptions for their bullshit, aren’t they?

Also, WTF? Why does the DNC charge democrats $175,000 for a voter database? Isn’t their only purpose to help democrats get elected? Not only are democrats hypocrites, the entire organization is just one huge racket. Someone tell me the difference between the DNC and the Mafia, because I can’t see one.