MSNBC Guest Says President Trump Is Worse Than Nazis

When liberals constantly compare Donald Trump to Nazis I always wonder where they can go from there. I mean, Nazis are the worst so they don’t leave themselves any room to scale up the hysteria. Once again I have underestimated the lunacy on the left as one MSNBC guest has said that the President is actually worse than Nazis. The question then is: who is worse than Nazis? Super-Nazis? Commie-Nazis?

As you may have heard, President Trump told America-hater Ilhan Omar that if she don’t like it here, she should leave. This caused quite the outrage on the left because Omar is a black Muslim, so anything Trump says to her is going to be perceived as racist. Naturally MSNBC had to assemble an emergency panel to condemn Trump’s “racism” and they found Vegas Tenold, a supposed investigative reporter who embeds with white supremacist groups.

Check out what he told Katy Tur:

“We’re at a point where Trump is more racist than neo-Nazis,” said Tenold.

If this were any other network than MSNBC, the host might have had some questions about this ridiculous inflammatory statement, but Tur ate it up. Tenold then took this load of crap and squeezed out another turd on the pile:

“I’ve had white supremacists, I’ve had neo-Nazis, Matthew Heimbach is one of the people who were behind the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, he told me that the president goes too far for him sometimes. That Donald Trump is more racist than him,” Tenold said.

It should be noted that neo-Nazis, like the original Nazis, want to exterminate the Jews. With that in mind, this MSNBC guest wants us to believe that neo-Nazis are sitting around saying, “Yeah we want to kill the Jews and wipe Isreal off the face of the Earth, but that Trump guys is too extreme for us.”

I can’t actually think of anything less likely than this. Maybe Godzilla destroying Tokyo or a Kirsten Gillibrand presidency, but this is close.

Trump moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem and recognized it as Israel’s capitol. He has pledged US support for Israel and condemned anti-Semitism. His daughter is an orthodox Jew. There has been no US president who has been a bigger friend to Israel and the Jewish people. Period.

On top of that, Trump’s tweets against Ilhan Omar were in no small part related to the anti-Semitic statement she has made. Basically this numbnut is saying because Trump condemned anti-Semitism he is worse than the Nazis. Perhaps Tenold has no idea who the Nazis were or what they did.

“If you’re supporting Trump you are a racist at this point. I’m not afraid to say it and no one should be,” Tenold said.

Leftist kook is not afraid to lie. Duly noted.

On the same MSNBC panel was some nut named Basil Smikle, who doubled-down on this crazy-as-shit accusation.

“What [Trump] said reminds me of what I might hear out of a Klan rally,” Smikle said.

So this guy hangs out at KKK rallies, but thinks Trump’s the racist? I have no idea what I might hear at a Klan rally because I’ve never been to one. Then again, I’m not a democrat, so I’m probably not invited.

At least this Sminkle fellow only put Trump on equal footing with the KKK, unlike Tenold who said he’s worse than Nazis.

This MSNBC guest has really painted liberals into corner with this “worse than Nazis” nonsense. What are they going to say next week when the President tweets something else non-racist? That he’s worse than whatever is worse than Nazis? That’s even dumber. I guess they could call him a triple-Nazi, but again it just sounds stupid.