Detained ‘American Citizen’ Doesn’t Speak Any English

You might have missed it with all of the Mueller nonsense, but there has been some liberal outrage over a supposed American citizen who has been detained by the US Border patrol. Well, it turns out this guy, who is 18-years-old and allegedly born in the US, doesn’t speak a lick of English. How does an American citizen, born in the US, not speak any English? The correct answer is, because he’s not an American and this is yet another faux outrage from the left.

Let’s start this story with some bullshit outrage from AOC:

The person she is talking about is 18-year-old Francisco Erwin Galicia. Here’s a primer from The Dallas Morning News:

Galicia was traveling with his 17-year-old brother Marlon Galicia and a group of friends from Edinburg where they live to Ranger College in North Texas for a soccer scouting event when they came upon a CBP checkpoint, said Sanjuana Galicia, his mother.

It was about 8 p.m. Marlon, who was born in Mexico and lacked legal status, had only been through a border checkpoint on school trips and had never been pressed to provide travel documents.

But this time was different, Marlon said. He had only a school ID. His brother was carrying only his Texas ID…

With a little more info from The Washington Post:

The reason it appears to have taken CBP and ICE so long to determine Galicia’s citizenship is because his mother, who is not a citizen, took out a U.S. tourist visa in his name while he was still a minor, falsely saying he was born in Mexico, [Claudia Galan, his attorney] said. His mother, Sanjuana, told The Post that CBP discovered the visa after fingerprinting her son. The conflicting documents only fueled the agency’s suspicion that Galicia’s U.S. documents were fake, Galan said.

But hang on, there’s more:

Sanjuana said she took out the tourist visa for her son because she saw it as the only way he could travel back and forth across the border to visit family. The undocumented mother was unable to get him a U.S. passport because when Galicia was born, Galan said, she gave a different name for herself on his birth certificate.

Okay, so this dude, whose mother is an illegal alien and who lied on all of his documents, is suspected of all being an illegal alien. For some reason they let him go but thankfully CNN stepped in to prove what a fraud he is:

Notice how Galicia doesn’t speak any English? I’ll ask it again, how does someone who was born in the US and supposedly lived here his entire life not know how to speak English?

And here’s some additional information from Brian Hastings, Chief of Law Enforcement at the U.S. Border Patrol:

Hastings replied that at the Falfurrias checkpoint where Galicia and his younger brother Marlon Galicia were taken into custody, Francisco “claimed to be a Mexican National who was born in Reynosa, Mexico.”

“Throughout the process, and while he was with Border Patrol, he claimed to be a citizen of Mexico with no immigration documents to be in or remain in the U.S.,” Hastings told the members of Congress.

“Upon further investigation we also found that he had a border crossing card and that border crossing card he had used 53 times to cross the border into the U.S., which gives us further indication that he was not a U.S. citizen. At no time in Border Patrol custody did he say that he was a U.S. citizen.”

If I were a betting man, I’d put it all down that his dude is not a US citizen and is bullshitting everyone. But hey, the liberals have their narrative that US immigration policies are so cruel that they detain American citizens because of racism or whatever.