Biden Bans ICE Agents From Arresting Illegal Aliens At Parades

To be honest with you, I didn’t think ICE agents were allowed to arrest illegal aliens anywhere under the current regime so this is kind of a surprise. The Biden administration has issued a new list of places Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent may not arrest criminal aliens and it includes parades. Apparently it tears away an illegal alien’s dignity to be taken into custody at a gay pride parade.

Biden felt like his immigration enforcement policies weren’t already a big enough joke, so worked on the punchline and this is what he came with, according to The Hill:

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Wednesday expanded the list of “sensitive locations” where immigration officers cannot make arrests.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers and other immigration officials have long been barred from seeking to make arrests at schools and hospitals.

But Mayorkas’s memo extends the concept to a broader category of social services, directing all DHS agencies to avoid arrests at domestic violence shelters, food banks, counseling facilities and disaster response centers.

It also bars arrests at churches, and at rallies, demonstrations or parades.

So ICE can’t arrest illegals if they are peacefully rioting either? Wow, just wow.

“We can accomplish our enforcement mission without denying or limiting individuals’ access to needed medical care, children access to their schools, the displaced access to food and shelter, people of faith access to their places of worship, and more,” wrote Mayorkas.

This is technically not a lie since Biden’s enforcement mission is to have no enforcement at all. They can achieve this very easily by banning ICE agents form making arrests pretty much everywhere.

Still, the thing about parades intrigues me. Why include parades as sanctuary zones? Do illegal aliens go to a lot of parades and if so, why is that something they are entitled to?

Mayorkas indicated in his memo that the reasons he added these places and events was to protect illegal aliens from peril:

Mayorkas on Wednesday noted the list of protected areas is not exhaustive, encouraging officers to weigh “the importance of those activities to the well-being of people and the communities of which they are a part, and the impact an enforcement action would have on people’s willingness to be in the protected area and receive or engage in the essential services or activities that occur there.”

“If we take an action at an emergency shelter, it is possible that noncitizens, including children, will be hesitant to visit the shelter and receive needed food and water, urgent medical attention, or other humanitarian care,” Mayorkas wrote.


Okay, there you have it. ICE against can’t arrest illegal aliens at parades because otherwise, the “noncitizen” won’t show up to parades fearing arrest. As you know, everyone loves a parade, even third-world scumbag criminals.

Another explanation could be that since Biden opened up the border and stopped enforcing our immigration laws, there’s a been a non-stop parade of illegals into this country. Since he wants to keep that parading going, ICE isn’t allowed to arrest them.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration has thrown the book at American citizens for “illegal parading.” Seriously, several of the January 6 “insurrections” have been convicted of illegal parading, whatever that is. Too bad they aren’t illegal aliens because that parading would have been not only legal but also protected.