Al Sharpton Headed To Baltimore To Stop President Trump’s Racism

President Trump called out Rep. Elijah Cummings for being an ineffectual representative of the people and in doing so rightly pointed out that his Congressional district in Baltimore is a crime and rat infested pile of crap. Naturally because Cummings is black and Baltimore has a large black population, hysterical liberals have accused the President of racism, despite the fact that everything he said was 100% true. Also naturally, because this involves made-up racism, Rev. Al Sharpton is headed to Baltimore to put an end to President Trump’s made-up racism.

Over the weekend Trump declared Baltimore a “rat infested” crime-ridden city and blamed democrat Cummings who represents most of the shithole. Everything Trump says or does is interpreted by the left as racism and this is no different. The liberal freak-out level is on par with a conservative exorcising his or her constitutional rights or a working person keeping most of his or her paycheck, and that is to say they are going nuts.

It just can’t be a bullshit liberal outrage over race without Al Sharpton injecting himself into the situation, so here’s some update tweets on what the veteran race hustler has in store:

Look out Baltimore, he’s coming. Uh oh, he’s getting closer:

He must have passed his phone off to a minion and said, “get an action shot of me stopping racism.”

OK, we get it.

Wait. What? Bi-partisan outrage? No, this is liberal outrage entirely. Republicans don’t think it’s racist to point out true things like the filth and crime in Baltimore. Democrats on the other hand go completely batshit crazy no matter what President Trump says or does. The fact that Michael Steele is a part of this just proves that he’s a democrat now.

What I’d like to know is: what’s in this for Sharpton? He don’t race-hustler for free, so there must be some kind of pay day in it for him. Obviously he can’t shake down President Trump, so where’s the extortion money coming from?

Maybe he struck a deal with the City of Baltimore to raise a big racial grievance in exchange for some under-the-table cash. Perhaps they are tapping into that money that would have gone to the corrupt ex-mayor and her bullshit children’s books. I don’t know the answer, but I do know Sharpton’s going to Baltimore to get paid.

The good news for me is I’m getting a two-fer out of this. I already have this article and presumably I’ll get an ever funnier one tomorrow when he holds his “racial justice” press conference. If this ends up in another Baltimore riot, I may get 3 articles out of this.