Jerry Nadler: Trump Broke The Law! Also Nadler: We Have No Evidence Trump Broke The Law

Fat Jerry outdid himself today in the idiot department. House Judiciary Committee chair Jerry Nadler said President Trump committed crimes and should be impeached, followed immediately by an admission that he doesn’t have any evidence that Trump has committed a crime. He’s not just dumpy but also stupid because what he really did was publicly admit the democrats’ agenda to undo the will of the people by ousting a freely-elected President because they don’t like him.

Nadler was on This Week with George Stephanopoulos Sunday and gave a greatest hits performance of his staggering bullshit. When asked about president Trump’s tweets calling Baltimore a “rat-infested” dangerous city, this is how Nadler replied:

“Well the President, as he usually is or often is, disgusting,” said Nadler.

When you look like this, you don’t get to call anyone else “disgusting.” That’s a rule even democrats don’t have an exemption from.

Dude, a belt is not a bra. Or at least it shouldn’t be.

“He makes these charges with no base at all,” he continued.

Really? There’s no basis in fact that Baltimore is a dirty crime-ridden shithole?

When I reported yesterday on Trump’s Baltimore tweets, I made 2 predictions:

We can expect the liberal media to start running “fact-check” pieces to show that Baltimore is really a beautiful safe city, despite all the murders and filth. Nancy Pelosi and the House democrats will pass a resolution declaring the President a racist and Baltimore the most glorious place on Earth.

Well, Nadler just tried to claim that Baltimore doesn’t have a problem with crime and filth, so that covers the first prediction. And here’s Nadler making me look like Nostradamus with the second prediction:

Stephanopoulos asked Nadler if he and the House democrats would pass a resolution condemning Trump for his “racist” Baltimore tweets.

“I don’t know, it wouldn’t be a bad idea,” replied Nadler.

Nadler went further into the land of make-believe by claiming that President Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the 2016 presidential election despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

“The fact is the President accepted help from the Russians to attack our election. His campaign worked with the Russians. That is undisputed,” said Nadler.

Well, special counsel Robert Mueller’s report disputes that. In fact the report states very clearly that neither Trump nor anyone from his campaign cooperated, coordinated, or conspired with the Russian government in any way. Then Robert Mueller came to testify in the House before Nadler’s committee to reiterate that he found no evidence that Trump or his campaign colluded with the Russians. Clearly Nadler has no idea what the words “fact” and “undisputed” mean.

Finally, Nadler went on State of the Union with Jake Tapper to prove what an incompetent fat sack of crap he really is. Tapper accused Nadler of trying to “have it both ways” by investigating impeachment against Trump without actually opening an official impeachment inquiry. Nadler’s response was something to behold:

“My personal view is that he richly deserves impeachment. He has done many impeachable offenses. He’s violated the law six ways from Sundays, but that’s not the question. The question is can we develop enough evidence to put before the American people,” Nadler said.

So Trump committed crimes, but Nadler doesn’t have any actual evidence of those crimes? How does Nadler know Trump is guilty if he doesn’t have any proof of his guilt? Is it just a feeling he gets in his third chin?

Obviously the butthurt that democrats still suffer from the 2016 election counts as evidence of guilt in their insane crusade to unseat the duly-elected President of the United States. Don’t worry, Jerry, the American people know full well what the democrats are doing and will vote accordingly in 2020.