Racism Alert: Obama Said Bad Things About Baltimore

Democrats and the liberal media have established that pointing out the problems in Baltimore is racist. President Trump said the city is a “rat infested” and a dangerous place, both things which are 100% true, and the left has gone nuts accusing him of inexcusable racism. Amazingly enough, former president Barack Obama also said some true, but unflattering things about Baltimore. Oddly enough, I was unable to find any example of the liberal media or democrats freaking out over Obama’s obvious racism.

Remember the Baltimore riots? The city erupted in violence, looting, and arson because a scumbag black guy tried to kill himself in police custody and succeeded. The then-Mayor of Baltimore decide to give the rioters “space to destroy” and boy did they. In response to this, Obama gave a speech where he bad-mouthed the police, but also managed to talk some shit about Baltimore:

“This is not new, it’s been going on for decades. Without making any excuses for the criminal activities that take place in these communities, what we also know is that if you have impoverished communities that have been stripped away of opportunity where children are born in abject poverty, you got parents, often because of substance abuse problems or incarceration or lack of education themselves can’t do right by their kids,” said Obama.

Wow, what a stone-cold racist. He’s saying black people in Baltimore are drug-addicted criminal scumbags who do a shitty job raising their kids and that their neighborhoods are desperately impoverished.

“It’s more likely that those kids will end up in jail or dead than they go to college,” said Obama.

And Obama thinks the kids of Baltimore are all scumbags with dead-end futures. That’s got to be even more racist, right? Well, what about this:

“Communities where there are no fathers who can provide guidance to young men,” Obama said.

Plus all the black men in Baltimore are dead-beat dads.

“Communities where…drugs have flooded the community and the drug industry ends up being the primary employer for a whole lot of folks,” Obama said.

Okay, seriously. Obama has portrayed Baltimore as a dangerous cesspool of drugs, where nearly everyone who lives there is a scumbag criminal. Let’s compare that to what Trump said:

Seems like Obama panted a much bleaker picture of Baltimore than President Trump. Why is Trump a racist, but Obama is not?

The correct answer is: Baltimore is a shithole and neither president is racist for pointing that out. The democratic answer, approved by the liberal media, is because Trump is white and therefore racist, plus that raw footage from C-SPAN has been deceptively edited by right-wing extremists to make it look like Obama said what he said.

But Bernie Sanders, who is also white, said Baltimore was like a third-world country and he wasn’t accused of racism. I suspect being a liberal as Sanders and Obama are, protects them against any accusations of racism, while Trump, a Republican, will get accused of racism no matter how true of a thing he says.

And that’s the big thing here: Baltimore is rat infested. It has the highest murder rate in the country. Illegal drugs are a huge problem. Poverty is rampant. All of this is to say that Baltimore is a dangerous and filthy place, just like Trump said, just Like Bernie said, just like Obama said. The truth is never racist.

The official liberal position is that pointing out the truth about Baltimore’s crime and filth problem is racist. That they only apply this bullshit to President Trump shows what a complete lack of credibility they have.