Morning Joe Hosts Suddenly Remember That Trump Told Them He’s Racist

Ever since Donald Trump wouldn’t let hangers-on Joe Scarborough and Mika Brezizinski be a part of his inner circle they have turned into the most rabid never-Trumpers this side of Jeff Flake’s RINO farm. The Morning Joe hosts have blasted the President non-stop for almost 3 years now, but they suddenly remembered just today that he once admitted to them that he’s racist. What are the chances that these two, who accuse the President of racism on a daily basis, would just happened to remember that he confessed to his racism on the eve of the midterm elections? It seems like this would have come up before now, doesn’t it?

Scarborough was trying his best to bring the “blue wave” ashore when he proclaimed that Trump has ruined Obama’s economy and that all Republicans are going to vote for democrats tomorrow.

“Donald Trump has not completely destroyed the Obama recovery,” started Scarborough.

That’s a funny way of saying that Trump has build the best economy of our lifetime, with historically low unemployment numbers and booming economic growth. I guess with the Trump Derangement Syndrome crippling whatever lies behind that giant forehead, he forgot that Obama didn’t preside over anything that remotely looked like a recovery.

“And that inspires democrats, independents, moderate Republicans, suburban Republicans to vote democratic,” Scarborough added.

Just in case the public isn’t completely sold on Scarborough’s claim that Trump destroying the economy has Republicans voting for democrats, Brezizinski chimed in to remind everyone how damn racist the President is.

“I also have to say that we confronted him about the birtherism. We said ‘it’s bad it’s wrong’ and he said in a low voice, ‘I know it’s bad, but it works,’” said Brezizinski. “Racism, in his mind, works. That’s what he told us.”

I’ll take “Things That Never Happened” for $1000, Alex. Brezizinski is of course talking about the rumors, started by Hillary Clinton, that Barack Obama wasn’t born in the US. Her claim here is that way back when, Trump admitted to her and Joe-Joe the Talking Moron, that he was basically playing the race card to get at Obama, which according to liberals is very very racist.

With all of the attacks Scarborough and Brezizinski have launched on Trump every single day since 2016, including accusations of racism, why did they never bring this up before? The timing of the midterm elections doesn’t help their credibility one bit either. Remember, Mika and Joe were wannabe fanboygirls and not part of his crew. What are the chances he confided in them that he’s really a racist?

Even the wording of this claim proves it’s a complete load. Brezizinski said Trump told her he was being racist “because it works.” Works for what? When Trump demanded Obama produce his birth certificate, he wasn’t running for office. Trump wasn’t campaigning during the “birtherism” thing, so he wouldn’t have thought pushing it would be to his advantage. Hillary Clinton on the other hand used Obama’s questionable citizenship in an attempt to beat him in the 2008 democratic primaries.

The biggest sign that this tale of Trump’s racism confession is a lie came as Brezizinski was delivering it. Scarborough got an uneasy look on his face and began mumbling over Brezizinski, because he knew this was bullshit and desperately wanted her to stop saying it. I don’t think Scarborough necessarily is against falsely accusing the President of racism, but he is mindful that Trump likes to sue people for slander and defamation.

Or it could be that Brezizinski went off script from the original fake story about when Trump admitted to them that he kicks puppies and has an Adolf Hitler nightlight. Then again, that’s probably something they are saving for tomorrow’s midterm election coverage.