NYT Blames ‘Whiteness’ For 2 Indians Attacking Black Girls In New Jersey

Even before Donald Trump won the 2016 election the liberal media developed a narrative that his rhetoric was inspiring a wave of violent hatred. They set aside tons of space to print “White guys in MAGA hats attack minorities” stories but they never materialized. Instead all we got was endless hate crime hoaxes and minority-on-minority bias crimes. The NYT has come up with a unique way to salvage this false narrative by blaming whiteness for a recent attack by two teenagers of Indian descent on a group of black girls. Fake news dies if it doesn’t innovate.

Check this thing out from The New York Times: A Racist Attack Shows How Whiteness Evolves

You see, there was an incident recently at a high-school football game in Lawrence Township, NJ. Two 17-year-old boys, described as being of Indian descent, urinated on 4 black girls and used racial slurs. Given the clear non-whiteness of the attackers how could this possibly be the result of white supremacy? Let’s let the NYT explain:

While it’s tempting to see the reported ethnicity of the boys suspected in the assault as complicating the story and raising questions about whether the assault should be thought of as racist, I look at it through a different lens. Instead of asking what the boys’ reported racial identity tells us about the nature of the attack, we should see the boys as enacting American whiteness through anti-black assault in a very traditional way.


In doing so, the assailants are demonstrating how race is a social construct that people make through their actions. They show race in the making, and show how race is something we perform, not just something we are in our blood or in the color of our skin.

Oh, I get it, The boys may not be white, but they were acting “white” by attacking black girls. Okay, I lied, I don’t get it at all.

At first blush, this reported assault sounds nauseatingly familiar, like the run-of-the-mill American racial harassment that has always been common but has become increasingly revealed thanks to videos shared on social media. The boys’ actions resemble those of people who feel empowered to act out their resentment against nonwhite people who are deemed out of place, confronting them with hostility or slurs or calling the police. The people patrolling what they see as their spaces are often — but not always —  white.

Maybe I got it this time: Being racist is a “white” thing so even when the racists aren’t white, they are still white for some reason. I gotta stop thinking I understand this, it’s making my head hurt.

In the New Jersey incident, the heritage or skin color of the boys suspected of the assault doesn’t matter. What matters is that they were participating in this pattern and thus enacting whiteness in a very traditional way.

Well actually the race of the teenagers does matter. If they were white the NYT and all of the liberal media would be having a major freak-out right now instead of this sorry attempt to blame whiteness for someone two Indians did.

Finally the NYT claims these boys were being “white” when they attacked the black girls because they were trying to fit in and the only defining characteristic of being an American is hating black people:

One potent way of being American, no matter where you or your parents are from, is enacting anti-blackness. And traditionally, acting out anti-blackness has meant acting white.

Remember when the liberal media referred to George Zimmerman as a “white Hispanic” to make the Trayvon Martin self-defense shooting seem like a racially-charged execution? It’s looks like they are fishing that turd out of the sewer again only this time it’s “white Indians.”

“America is so racist it turns people of all ethnicities into white supremacist N-bombing urinators!”

If the liberal media ever wonders why people no longer trust them, this is a pretty good example. Sadly, I don’t think they care.