Sarah Silverman Claims 196 Mass Shootings In Last 2 Months

I unplugged and went on vacation for about a week in mid-July, but there’s no way I missed this much. According to irritating skin rash Sarah Silverman, there have been a whopping 196 mass shootings in the United States since June. Why wasn’t this carnage on the news? The liberal media loves this kind of thing. The only explanation I have for this discrepancy is that Silverman is completely full of shit.

Following the shooting at a garlic festival last weekend liberals have been trying to find a way to exploit an unexploitable tragedy that took place in heavily gun-controlled California. This is what unfunny comedian Sarah Silverman came up with:

Actually, the guy didn’t try to light his shoe on fire, he attempted to detonate explosives hidden in his shoe on a commercial airline. Also, while people have a right to keep and bear arms, they don’t have a right to keep and bear shoes on private property.

Additionally, there have been literally hundreds of new gun laws and regulations passed since the attempted shoe bombing. California alone has saddled people with dozens of new unconstitutional gun control laws in that time.

Silverman wasn’t sure her initial lie was enough to move the needle in the gun control debate, so she laid down and even bigger one:

You got that? Silverman claims that since June there have been 196 mass shootings with 196 fatalities, which sounds dumb to everyone but her.

A mass shooting is defined as a single event with a lone gunman in which 4 people, not including the shooter, are killed. Obama tried to take the threshold down to 3 deaths, but 4 is the standard.

If there were 196 mass shootings in the last 2 months, the bare minimum number of fatalities would be 784. That’s an average of 4 deaths per mass shooting. With only 196 claimed fatalities, Silverman’s made-up statistic only accounts for 1 fatality per mass shooting, meaning that none of them are really mass shootings.

In reality, there has been only 1 mass shooting and that’s the one that happened on Sunday in California. Even that only qualifies as a mass shooting under the Obama interpretation because there were only 3 fatalities. The Virginia Beach shooting took place on May 31, so it didn’t make it into Silverman’s window of fake outrage.

Silverman beclowned herself further with even more lies:

Terrorists, domestic abusers, and mentally ill people are already banned by law from purchasing and possessing firearms. Does she want to make it doubly-illegal for banned people to have guns? Also, “weapons of war” are not available for sale anywhere let alone the Internet and gun shows. In reality, she already has her gun control wish list, so maybe she should go back to boring people with her jokeless brand of comedy.

The thing I find most interesting about this and all leftist anti-gun rants is that liberals believe if they tell massive lies about something, it makes them right. If your entire argument is based on bullshit, your position is bullshit. It’s as simple as that.