Tuesday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

The good news? Monday’s over. The bad news? It’s only Tuesday.

Sunken Democrats

By Jim Garrison


The Democrats thought the ‘Russia Collusion’ scandal would lead to President Trump’s impeachment. It was smooth sailing for them.

All they had to do is stay the course. Mueller was expected to dig up evidence to support the removal of a lawfully elected president. Instead, the Mueller Report took the wind out of their sails.

There was no evidence. There were only lies, which were endlessly repeated by the Democrat corporate media.

After Mueller’s dismal performance earlier this week, their hopes for impeachment have sunk, yet many Democrats don’t seem to realize it. Many continue to insist on impeachment. Some continue to talk about Russian collusion.

Why? It’s not hard to fathom. They have terminal cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

The Democrats can talk until they’re blue in the face, but as far as impeachment goes, it’s over. Mueller ended all hopes of re-floating their boat. There will be no more salvage operations.

Check out all of Ben’s great cartoons and commentary HERE.

Trump Speaks the Politically Incorrect Truth

Via American Greatness

In an otherwise slow news week, President Trump again commanded national attention. Using his preferred medium of Twitter, he exposed the hypocrisy of major Democrats, who wax poetic about the poor people on the border, even as their own districts persist in crime and decrepitude.

Unlike almost all of his predecessors, Trump is not afraid to counterattack his critics, nor is he cowed into silence by unfair claims that attacking his nonwhite critics is automatically racist.

Representative Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), who has been a frequent critic of President Trump, was in the crosshairs of the latest tweetstorm, in which Trump pointed out the appalling conditions in Cummings’ Baltimore district.

“Elijah Cummings spends all of his time trying to hurt innocent people through ‘Oversight,’” Trump said. “He does NOTHING for his very poor, very dangerous and very badly run district!” As with his “go back” attack on “the squad” several weeks ago, Trump’s latest remarks evoked feigned surprise and horror. It also prompted a fact-free defense of conditions in Baltimore (reminiscent of the defense of squalid Haiti last year) and, of course, many said this his observations were simply racist.

Many American Cities are Hell-Holes
Trump said something that everyone who has spent any time in America’s cities knows. Many of them are poor, dirty, badly governed, and dangerous—often the worst conditions are in black neighborhoods and majority-minority cities. These combined phenomena create a feedback of “white flight” and capital flight, as businesses, the tax base, and the middle class flee. Over the years, things have only gotten worse.

These majority-minority districts frequently elect useless demagogues, who deliver little, other than the rhetoric of flattery and blame. Cummings and his colleagues Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) and Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-Texas) are all archetypal cases. Not infrequently, extensive corruption is the handmaiden of these politicians—Detroit’s Kwame Kilpatrick comes to mind. Trump’s message in recent weeks is straightforward: those who purport to represent these poor and desperate people provide little in the way of good government or service to them.

Read the entire article HERE.

Why Are Democrats Kissing The Ring Of Al Sharpton?

Via The Federalist

Rev. Al Sharpton’s fortunes have been on the upswing. A few years ago, in a Politico whitewashing of his career, we learned that Sharpton had been transformed into the go-to civil rights guru for the Obama administration. “If anything,” Glenn Thrush noted at the time, “the Ferguson crisis has underscored Sharpton’s role as the national black leader Obama leans on most, a remarkable personal and political transformation for a man once regarded with suspicion and disdain by many in his own party.”

The former president claimed that Sharpton was “the voice of the voiceless and a champion for the downtrodden.” In the real world, of course, the only downtrodden Americans helped by Sharpton’s activities are the ones who find themselves on the payroll benefitting from his numerous corporate shakedowns.

Yet apparently Obama’s resuscitation of Sharpton (who, since 2011, has been at MSNBC, a cable news network that interminably lectures uncouth Americans on proper tone) has worked.  Many of the very same Democratic Party hopefuls who boycotted the tepid bipartisanship of an AIPAC conference last month could be found speaking at Sharpton’s National Action Network Convention in New York this past week, pandering to a charlatan with a history of inciting violence and racism.

Read the entire article HERE.

James Comey Under Investigation – John Huber Investigating Comey Memos – Declaration Release This Week…

Via The Conservative Treehouse

Jumpin’ ju-ju bones, there’s big news in here. Actual Bombshells! For real Tick Tocks and much much more….
Former acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker appeared on Fox News to discuss the replacement of Dan Coats with John Ratcliffe as head of the ODNI, and the current status of AG Bill Barr’s ongoing reviews into prior DOJ and FBI (mis)conduct.

Whitaker posits the placement of Ratcliffe as looking at the aggregate intelligence apparatus and seeing if there “are systemic issues and failures for how the investigations were kicked-off”; and the engagements with other countries (FBI and CIA).

Additionally, Whitaker summarizes U.S. Attorney John Durham as focused on the origin of the intelligence operation against candidate Trump and “prosecuting anyone that needs to be prosecuted“. [By the way, that seems to confirm Durham as an official “investigation”, not a “review”.]

Then comes the BOMBSHELL…. (@01:26 below) while seemingly not realizing what he just said, Whitaker outlines U.S. Attorney John Huber as reviewing “anything related to Comey’s memos and the like.” Boom… There it is.

Read the entire article HERE.

China Covertly Subverting Trump Reelection

Via The Washington Free Beacon

China is conducting an aggressive disinformation and influence campaign designed to block the re-election of President Trump in 2020, according to a dissident Chinese billionaire who until recently was close to senior Beijing leaders.

Guo Wengui, an exiled Chinese real estate tycoon-turned-anti-communist critic, said in an interview that details of the influence operation were disclosed recently by Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan in Beijing.

The campaign has been underway since the 2018 mid-term election and involves enlisting pro-China elements inside the United States to end the Trump administration after four years.

“China has been protesting western powers trying to interfere in the domestic politics of China but in fact China is not only trying interfere in the domestic politics of the United States, they are interfering publicly with U.S. elections,” Guo told the Washington Free Beacon.

According to Guo, who has known current Chinese President Xi Jinping for more than 10 years, the anti-Trump influence operation is being directed by Xi and Wang through the Communist Party of China (CCP) National Security Commission, a high-level body created in 2013 that since then has tightened control over all other security organs.

“For the 2020 U.S. presidential election, the security committee has given very clear instructions that it is not permissible for Trump to win the 2020 election,” Guo said speaking through an interpreter.

By deploying its intelligence and influence resources in the United States, the CCP is working to exploit the harsh political divisions between Democrats and Republicans in seeking to unseat the Trump administration.

Read the entire article HERE.

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