Crazy Joe Biden Gives President Trump 8 More Years

During the democratic debates on Wednesday all of the candidates ganged up on Joe Biden because he is the front runner and an easy target. It turns out the democrats were wasting their time as the former VP spent the night kicking himself in the nuts. At one point he conceded it was likely President Trump will serve 8 more years, giving him a third term. The good news for Cory Booker is that Biden is sure the NJ Senator will be president when Trump leaves office in 2029. Rock on, Crazy Joe.

In the first democratic debates last month Biden looked like a deer caught in the headlights and was decimated by Kamala Harris. For this debate he said he was going to come out swinging, he just didn’t say it would be at himself. As the candidates were introduced, Biden walked up to Harris and said, “Take it easy on me, kid.” That set the tome for Biden’s gaffe-filled night.

After blaming the other candidates’ Medicare-for-all scheme as “malarky” Biden confused his own plan by saying people would have $1000 co-pay when he meant a $1000 deductible. There’s a huge difference between those things.

Biden then specifically went after Kamala Harris’ health care plan by saying it would cost $3 trillion dollars. He would have scored a point if he had brought up the actual cost of $30 trillion.

Then for some reason he threatened to jail insurance executives for selling drugs:

“We should put some of these insurance executives, who totally oppose my plan, in jail for the million opioids they sell out there,” said Biden.

I’m sure that sentence made sense in his head, but somehow got confused on the way to his mouth.

Equally confused was Biden’s take on global warming.

“First of all, we’re responsible for 15% of all the pollution in this country,” Biden said.

I’ll have to check the data, but I’m almost certain that we are responsible for 100% of the pollution in the country. If however Biden is correct and we are only responsible for 15% of our pollution, it doesn’t seem like we need to do anything about it. Why do people drive hybrids or recycle?

Biden then referred to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) as “TTP.” You down wit TTP? Yeah, you know me.

The best part was when Biden lamented that we’re looking at 8 more years of President Trump.

“8 more years of Donald Trump will change America in a fundamental way,” Biden said.

He’s right about that. Trump is currently in his first term and the Constitution limits him and all presidents to 2 terms, so if he serves for 8 more years that means the Constitution has been changed and that’s fundamental.

In one of the many exchanges with Cory Booker, Biden accidentally referred to the NJ Senator as “the presidnet.” Biden quickly walked that back and changed it “the future president.” Clearly Biden thinks after 8 more years of Trump, Booker will get in the White House. It doesn’t matter to Biden, he’ll be dead by then because he’s really old.

Biden drove home his age at the end of the debate by telling people to “go to Biden 30330” like it was a website. It’s obvious to everyone but Joe he meant for people to text that because he honestly doesn’t know what a website or texting is.

According to Biden’s camp, Wednesday’s debate was going to show that Biden is sharp as a tack and willing to fight. Instead it showed that he’s still Crazy Old Joe and that he is having a harder time hiding his dementia. Still, he did better than Hillary back in 2015 when she didn’t come back to the debate stage after a commercial break because she shit her pantsuit.

Hey, that might be a good Biden campaign slogan: Biden 2020 – I Didn’t Shit Myself!