Thursday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Good morning Deplorables! Another day closer to the weekend.

Democrat Cities: “Now Let Us Have Complete Control Of The Country – Or You’re Racist!”:

By Ben Garrison

I watched the Democratic debate last night with a mixture of revulsion and boredom. There were no surprises—it was all too predictable.

Most of the president wannabes advocated the usual solution for the problems endured by citizens, That is, they would play Santa Claus and give them free stuff–including free college, free medical care, higher wages, more money tossed at education, and debt forgiveness. This would be achieved with higher taxes and more government bureaucracy, which will only make things worse.

Most of the Democrats proclaimed their love for illegal aliens, er, immigrant ‘families’ and most want to reward them with free stuff in their sanctuary cities.

hose big blue cities have been in the hands of leftist Democrats for decades. As a result of the party’s egalitarianism, corruption, and lack of law enforcement, those cities are now overrun with debt, crime, decay, homeless people, drug abuse, and rats.

This wasn’t mentioned by Elizabeth Warren. Her issue was with ‘white nationalists’ whom she thinks should be stripped of their First Amendment and then outlawed as ’terrorists.’ She came across as a shrill, hectoring tyrant—one who is eager to remove our guns and free speech and then replace our Republic with her brand of ‘democracy.’ Yet she was given the most time to speak—definitely not a good sign.

President Trump did complain about the decay and rats in Baltimore and was promptly labeled a ‘racist.’ In the debate Bernie Sanders also smeared Trump by using his rote lines, “a racist, sexist, xenophobe and homophobe.” None of those insults are true of course, but if a far lefty gets elected president, they will go to work to make sure our entire country resembles Baltimore—or Venezuela.

Top 25 most rat-infested U.S. cities
1. Chicago, Illinois (Dem)
2. Los Angeles, California (Dem)
3. New York, New York (Dem)
4. Washington, DC (Dem)
5. San Francisco, California (Dem)
6. Detroit, Michigan (Dem)
7. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Dem)
8. Cleveland, Ohio (Dem)
9. Baltimore, Maryland (Dem)
10. Denver, Colorado (Dem)
11. Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota (Dem)
12. Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas (Dem)
13. Boston, Massachusetts (Dem)
14. Seattle, Washington (Dem)
15. Atlanta, Georgia (Dem)
16. Indianapolis, Indiana (Dem)
17. Miami-Fort Lauderdale, Florida (Repub)
18. Hartford, Connecticut (Dem)
19. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Dem)
20. Cincinnati, Ohio (Dem)
21. Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Dem)
22. Charlotte, North Carolina (Dem)
23. Houston, Texas (Dem)
24. Portland, Oregon (Dem)
25. Columbus, Ohio (Dem)


Check out all of Ben’s great cartoons and commentary HERE.

Democrats’ Embrace Of Al Sharpton Exposes Their Hypocrisy

Via The Federalist

If Donald Trump attacked Somalian warlords on Twitter, The Atlantic would run a 10,000-word piece explaining why decentralized Somali rule is actually good for minorities. Because it’s no longer sufficient to be a Trump antagonist, no longer enough to stick the word “racist” in every news piece and broadcast; a real patriot embraces all the president’s enemies, no matter how morally loathsome.

Which brings me to the Rev. Al Sharpton. This week, Barack Obama’s “go-to man” on racial issues headed to Baltimore to protest President Trump’s attacks on Elijah Cummings, the Democratic congressman from Maryland. As is his wont — whatever creed, color, or faith his antagonists might be — the president lashed out at those critical of him. “Al is a con man, a troublemaker, always looking for a score,” Trump tweeted about his old buddy. “Just doing his thing. Must have intimidated Comcast/NBC. Hates Whites & Cops!”

Now, one might legitimately be slighted by the president’s attacks on Cummings, but his words about Sharpton are hardly debatable. Trump could have added that Sharpton was an unrepentant anti-Semite who had incited riots that led to a pogrom in Brooklyn and a massacre in Harlem, not to mention the defamation of police officers surrounding Tawana Brawley, whose life, like so many others, he had ruined with his hucksterism. Instead, we had an arms race in crazy.

Presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren didn’t react to Trump merely by accusing the president of being a bully. She asserted that Sharpton, the man who once claimed Africans had “taught philosophy and astrology [sic] and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it,” had “dedicated his life to the fight for justice for all.”

The moderate hope of the party, Joe Biden didn’t merely accuse Trump of racism, he announced that Sharpton, who had once used the funeral of a child to rail against Jewish “diamond merchants,” was “a champion of civil rights.”

Read the entire article HERE.

His state falling apart, California’s governor Newsom focuses on keeping Trump off the ballot

Via The American Thinker

Governor Gavin Newsom of California sits in the catbird seat. His state is falling apart — with homelessness, medieval pestilence, millions of unvetted foreigners coming to claim services, stratospheric housing costs, choking greenie regulations, faltering electrical grids, out-of-control wildfires, and soaring crime — yet in his rigged blue one-party state, he hasn’t got a thing to worry about. The state will always be blue, right? No need to improve anything to stay in office. They’ve got it rigged.

So instead of fixing things, he’s focused on what’s important to him: keeping President Trump off the state’s national election ballot in 2020, by signing off on a bill requiring him to release five years of tax returns, something he knows Trump is not going to do.

Read the entire article HERE.

Kathy Griffin says severed Trump head photo made her ‘unemployable, uninsurable’: ‘I’m still on the D-list’

Via Fox News

Kathy Griffin is still harping about the 2017 photo she took posing with a fake severed head of President Trump.

Speaking to The Associated Press, Griffin maintained that she did nothing wrong in holding up the fake bloodied head and explained she has no intention of ever apologizing for the photo, even though she says some people still believe her to be a member of ISIS.

“You can be as offended by that photo all you want, that doesn’t bother me at all,” Griffin told AP in an interview published on Monday. “But I want people to know I didn’t break the law. If you take a photo like that, you didn’t break the law. ‘

“I didn’t violate the First Amendment in any way. If you take a photo like that, you didn’t violate the First Amendment in any way.”

The 58-year-old comedian, actress and writer said she was unable to land work due to the backlash she had received and said she knew the moment would be regarded as “an important, historic story,” thus she decided to film her life journey in the aftermath as a way to tell her story the way she intended.

“I kept saying, ‘I think this is an important, historic story,'” Griffin said. “The President and the Department of Justice shouldn’t make you unemployable and uninsurable.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Futuristic, Utopian Paradise Of Baltimore Completely Baffled By Trump’s Attacks

Via The Babylon Bee [SATIRE]

BALTIMORE, MD—President Trump launched into a deranged attack against the city of Baltimore, calling it “a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess” and a place “no human being would want to live.” This caused extreme confusion within the city — as, having been run exclusively by Democrats for decades and decades, it is a nearly perfect, progressive utopia and a beacon of hope to all.

Stepping into Baltimore is like stepping into the future. Thanks to its politics never having been corrupted by any right-wing elements, the city is almost free of problems. Shiny towers touch the sky, people happily travel from glass dome to glass dome in their flying cars, and not a trace of dirt or grime is found anywhere, thanks to the city’s perfect central planning. Crime is unknown in Baltimore, since they have compassionate measures to reform criminals instead of punishing them. And there is no such thing as poverty or income inequality because of the Democrats’ tight control of the economy.

“I had no idea what Trump was talking about,” said the leader of Baltimore, known as the “Overseer,” who heads the largely automated bureaucracy of the city. “He called us rat-infested, and I was unfamiliar with the creature. I checked our vast archives — as knowledge is very important to Baltimore — and found out it was some sort of vermin that plagued cities in previous centuries. Such things are unknown in Baltimore.”

The Overseer had thought to engage Trump on Twitter, but arguing on social media is for lesser beings and not for evolved people such as those who live in Baltimore. Instead, the citizens of Baltimore are going to continue to focus on their city, hoping to one day make it the greatest, most advanced city in the world, maybe even topping Detroit.

Check out all of the Babylon Bee’s hilarious takes on the news HERE.

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