Lefty Kook Attacks Trump Supporters At Elizabeth Warren Rally

In this episode of “When Soy Boys Attack” a lefty lunatic assaulted a group of Trump supporters at an Elizabeth Warren rally in Arizona. In an odd twist, this violent liberal idiot was actually arrested, probably because it was Arizona. In California and NY it’s not actually a crime to physically assault Trump supporters. The other good news is, something interesting finally happened at an Elizabeth Warren rally.

On Thursday Warren held a rally at a small theater in Tempe, AZ. A group called the AZ Patriots were on hand to heckle Warren and her idiotic positions. At some point a liberal loser who has been identified as Kristian Doak (that’s a girl name but he’s allegedly a guy)started fighting with the Trump-supporting conservative group. The natural reaction from security was to remove the AZ Patriots, not the guy violently confronting them.

The AZ Patriots left the venue peacefully, but Doak, not so much. After freaking the f*ck out the lefty was dragged out of the hall kicking and screaming like a bitch.

In this video you can see how much of a bitch Doak was while being removed:

Once outside, Doak stood up and went after the AZ Patriots again. This time he did some kind of ballet leap with an attempted tofu-slap on a female member of the Trump supporters. It was at this point the cops actually arrested the kook. He was taken to jail and charged with assault and disorderly conduct. Nice job, ponytail boy.

While there hasn’t been much interest in the liberal media about a leftist attacking peaceful Trump supporters, there was other stuff going on at President Trump’s rally in Cincinnati that got their attention.

CNN’s Jim “Real News” Acosta was outraged that immigration activists were removed from the Trump rally:

As you can see, Acosta is furious with those intolerant Trump supporters for trying to silence peaceful immigration protesters. The thing is, Acosta left out one detail: the protesters actually had two signs:

The second sign read: “Chinga la migra” which means “f*ck immigration enforcement” or “f*ck ICE.”

I wonder why Jim Acosta, who speaks fluent Spanish, didn’t mention the “chinga” sign in his outrage tweet. Could it be that it’s not quite as outrageous when protesters get thrown out for displaying profane anti-American signs or for instigating violence?

To recap:

Lefty soy boy attacks Trump supporters at Elizabeth Warren rally = meh.

Leftists thrown out of Trump rally for “f*ck ICE” = Trump and his supporters are racist.

Wow, liberal math is just as bad as liberal logic and liberal science.

If a liberal nut is assaulted at a Trump rally, the entire liberal media propaganda machine accuses the President of inciting violence. Why aren’t they also accusing Elizabeth Warren of the same thing? Clearly her hateful anti-Trump rhetoric inspired a a guy with a girl’s name and hairstyle to sissy-slap a female Trump supporter.

Until this selective outrage and liberal double-standard ends, the liberal media will have zero credibility.