Bernie Sanders Is Going To Take Down Trump With A Softball Game

Sometimes headlines seem crazy, but this is actually what’s happening. Bernie Sanders is organizing a softball game in an effort to stick it to President Trump. How does a softball game inflict damage on Trump? It doesn’t but Bernie thinks it does so that’s what the liberal media is going with. You see, a team made up of Bernie’s campaign will take on a team of liberal media figures to show Trump and the world that the liberal media doesn’t have a liberal agenda or bias. That should work.

The Hill reports:

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will host a softball game between members of his campaign team and the media later this month at Iowa’s historic “Field of Dreams,” the Democratic presidential hopeful’s campaign announced Wednesday.

The event will be held at the baseball field constructed in Dyersville, Iowa, for the 1989 classic “Field of Dreams” starring Kevin Costner, which was nominated for three Academy Awards and was inducted in 2017 into the Library of Congress.

And Bernie is serious about this being two middle fingers up to President Trump:

Sanders campaign manager Faiz Shakir announced the Aug. 19 event in a press release, framing the the game as a way to counteract President Trump’s rhetoric against members of the media.

“At a time when members of the media are demonized by the president, we hope to show goodwill and sportsmanship on the Field of Dreams,” said Shakir.

If by “demonize” he means that Trump calls the media fake news when they publish and broadcast false information, then yeah he’s on to something.

Speaking of which, the liberal media suffers from credibility issues because they exhibit a shameless liberal slant and act as a de facto ministry of propaganda for the democratic party. I can think of no better way to erase those liberal bias issues than for members of the media to engage in a leisurely activity with a democratic party presidential candidate. No wait, I can actually think of a million better ways to achieve that.

Considering that a Bernie Sanders supporter and former campaign worker opened fire on Republicans on a baseball field and wounding Rep. Steve Scalise, this Bernie softball game seems more like two middle fingers to the entire GOP.

I wonder if there will be armed security for this game. They probably don’t have anything to worry about, it’s the leftist Bernie Bros that go on violent rampages and they rarely pick leftists, let alone Bernie himself, as their targets.

Bernie’s campaign wouldn’t say if the ancient one would be playing, but did offer this tantalizing cue:

The campaign described the independent senator as a “die-hard Brooklyn Dodgers fan and renowned stickball, basketball and track star.”

In a campaign where democrats are demanding youth and new blood, what better way is there to show how young Bernie Sanders is then by saying he’s a die-hard fan of a team that hasn’t existed since Eisenhower was president? The Dodgers left Brooklyn in 1957, which was before color TV, microwave ovens, and the Cuban communist revolution. Bernie however was already old and a commie at the time.

Also, WTF? Bernie is a die-hard fan of a team he hasn’t been able to see in 62 years? How die-hard could he be?

Obviously this softball game is going to be hilarious because it’ll be Bernie Bro soy boys and fat girls against beta male and snowflake girl liberal journalists. I hope it is televised and I pray that Jim Acosta is on the media team. That guy will shed actual tears when the umpire calls an outside pitch a strike.