2020 Dumpster Fire: The Wit And Wisdom Of AOC

2020 was a train wrecking into a dumpster fire and dimwit NY Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was the official mascot of the worst year in modern history. Here’s a compilation of the wit and wisdom of AOC that helped us all briefly forget about the pandemic, race riots, and election fraud this year:

As a U.S. Rep., AOC spent much of 2020 not understanding what her job is or how the government works:

DNC Day 2: AOC Nominates Bernie And Elizabeth Warren Is An Indian Again

Ted Cruz Nukes AOC For Not Knowing There Are Democrats In The Senate

AOC Thinks Democrats Lost Their House Majority (Nobody Tell Her)

So, you know, of course, the loss of the House majority is just extraordinarily upsetting to all of us. It’s upsetting to all of us who are invested in having a Democratic majority so that we can expand health care, so that we can raise wages, so that we can protect working people. And it’s also personally very difficult – AOC

As a lawmaker, AOC spent much of 2020 not understanding law enforcement:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Doesn’t Understand Why Cops Carry ‘Lethal Weapons’

AOC Doesn’t Understand Why Cops Show Up When Black People Riot

There’s this gun rights protest that’s happening down in Richmond, on MLK day, but here’s the image that has stuck with me the most about that: when we go out to march for the dignity and recognition of the lives of people like Freddie Gray and Eric Gardner, the whole place is surrounded by police in riot gear, without a gun in sight and here are all these people flying confederate flags with semi-automatic weapons, and there’s almost no police officers at that protest – AOC

As an empowered woman of color, AOC spent much of 2020 pointing out racism and sexism:

AOC Thinks Peaceful Michigan Protest Is Violent Racism

AOC Says It’s Racist To Correctly Identify Her As A Congresswoman And Biden Advisor

AOC And Her Squad Bitch That Women Have No Rights In This Country


AOC Cries ‘Racism’ As Kyle Rittenhouse Bonds Out Of Jail

AOC Claims She’s Victim Of Violent Threats For Trying To Make Coronavirus About Race

I deal w/ a lot of violent threats, vitriol, etc. But I never get more hate aimed at me than when I address racial inequities. If some people think racial disparities are as much a myth as other issues I discuss, then why do they get so much more violent & angry on this topic? – AOC

As a democrat, AOC spent much of 2020 being mad at Republicans:

AOC And Kayleigh Called ‘Bitches.’ Guess Which One Is An Outrage

AOC Wants To Steal GOP Elephant Mascot For Her Non-Existent Political Party

AOC Calls GOP Racist Because She’s A Hypocrite And Stupid

Hillary Clinton And AOC Agree That Republicans Are ‘F*ckers’

AOC Calls Republican Racist For Accurately Portraying Her Support For Iran

I find it highly amusing that my coworkers angrily yell stuff like this and then clutch their pearls and cry when they are called out for their racism – AOC

As a progressive democrat, AOC spent much of 2020 being mad at democrats:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Tells People To Stop Thinking When They Vote For Democrats

AOC Manages To Piss Off Democrats And PETA In The Same Day

AOC’s Squad Pissed At Obama For Calling ‘Defund The Police’ A Slogan

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Wants To Kick Joe Biden Out Of The Democratic Party

Democrats can be too big of a tent,” said Ocasio-Cortez. “They let anybody who the cat dragged in call themselves a progressive. There’s no standard. In any other country, Joe Biden and I would not be in the same party, but in America, we are – AOC

As a moron, the COVID-19 pandemic gave AOC a chance to showcase her talents:

AOC Is Pissed That Illegal Aliens Won’t Be Getting Coronavirus Relief Checks

AOC: Coronavirus Is Picking On Minorities So We Need Slave Reparations

AOC Accuses President Trump Of Killing Illegal Aliens With Coronavirus

Coronavirus Lockdown And Economic Collapse Has AOC Rejoicing

AOC Tells People: Don’t Go Back To Work When Coronavirus Lockdown Is Lifted

Dysfunctional Idiot Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Accuses Mike Pence Of Not Believing In Science

Mike Pence literally does not believe in science. It is utterly irresponsible to put him in charge of US coronavirus response as the world sits on the cusp of a pandemic. This decision could cost people their lives. Pence’s past decisions already have – AOC

As a member of the Resistance, AOC spent much of 2020 with TDS:

AOC Joins List Of Democrat Babies Boycotting Trump’s State Of The Union Address

AOC Is Pissed That Trump Called Her ‘AOC’

AOC And Omar Send Out Same Anti-Trump Tweets As Iranian Foreign Minister

This is a war crime. Threatening to target and kill innocent families, women and children – which is what you’re doing by targeting cultural sites – does not make you a “tough guy.” It does not make you “strategic.” It makes you a monster. – AOC

As an idiot socialist, AOC spent much of 2020 applying her idiocy to socialism:

AOC Says Opposing Socialism And Defunding Police Is Racism

AOC Blames Voter Suppression For Bernie’s Failing Campaign

Biden Is Already Taking His Marching Orders From Socialist AOC And Her ‘Loon Squad’

AOC Demands Free Funerals For The ‘Blackest And Brownest’ People

This crisis is happening in a context of racial and income inequality, which means that our lowest income and our blackest and brownest communities are the hardest hit and experiencing the largest amount of casualties due to COVID-19. The least we can do is stem this additional impact on a racial and income inequality wealth gap is by making sure that FEMA covers the burial funds – AOC

But most of all, as an idiot, AOC spent most of 2020 being stupid:

Guess Who Won In The Battle Of Wits Between AOC And Ted Cruz

AOC Blames Violent Crime Spike On Hungry People Stealing Bread

AOC Is So Stupid She Doesn’t Know What Food Is

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Claims She’s Black

I’ll hear people say, ‘Okay, this is about Black lIves Matter, what about Latinos?’ and I always say, ‘Latinos are black. We are Afro-Latina and we run the entire racial spectrum and so we have to have conversations around colorism and we have to have conversations around the African and indigenous roots from which we come and how that’s reflected in systems of power – AOC

Next to Joe Biden, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been the greatest gift Def-Con News has ever received. Her self-righteous idiotic sense of entitlement has launched a thousand articles and here’s hoping she doesn’t let up in 2021.