Elizabeth Warren Wants To Decriminalize Terrorism, Domestic Violence, And Child Molestation

In her shameless pursuit of the black vote, Elizabeth Warren has now vowed to decriminalize horrific crimes like terrorism, domestic violence, and the sexual assault of children. She has stated that if she is elected president, she will repeal the 1994 Crime Bill, which means she wants to let jihadists, gangbangers, wife beaters, and pedophiles run loose in the country. I don’t know if these scumbags vote, but obviously she’s trying to bring them into her camp.

The 1994 Crime Bill was actually a series of bills largely authored by then-senator Joe Biden and signed into law by then-president Bill Clinton. Despite the people behind it, the law has been very important in bringing the levels of violent crime down to near historic lows. The new whacko liberal democratic party however thinks the Crime Bill is racist and wants to do away with it.

Here’s what Elizabeth Warren has in store for the law:

Okay, let’s have a look at what is in the 1994 Crime Bill, to see what Elizabeth Warren opposes:

First, there was the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, which actually expired in 2004. This is impossible to repeal, but Warren most certainly would like to reinstate it.

Second, the Crime Bill established the death penalty for crimes like terrorism, killing a federal law enforcement officer, and hate crime murders. Warren would like to repeal this so terrorists, cop killers, and racist murderers won’t face appropriate justice. It seems weird that black people want this provision of the law repealed, BTW.

Third, the Crime Bill contained the Violence Against Women act which protects women from domestic violence. If Warren wants to repeal the 19194 Crime Bill, that means she wants to make female victims of domestic violence vulnerable to abuse and even death.

Forth, the Crime Bill protects abortion providers from harassment and violence. Again, this seems like something a lefty supporter of baby killing would like to keep intact.

Fifth, the Crime Bill created a national registry of violent sex offenders and pedophiles. Under Warren’s repeal, these monsters will be anonymous and can seek employment working with children. What could possibly go wrong?

Then there’s this provision, which may be at the heart of Warrens desire to repeal the law:

The Act prohibits “any person acting on behalf of a governmental authority, to engage in a pattern or practice … that deprives persons of rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.”

Suddenly this all makes sense. Warren can’t change the Constitution to deprive the people of their rights, but she thinks she can at least decriminalize leftist right-stomping by ditching the 1994 Crime Bill. Sorry, Liz, it doesn’t work that way.

The truth of the matter is that this law helped lower the violent crime rate in this country. If there’s one thing liberals hate, it’s something that works. Even author Joe Biden is apologizing on the campaign trail for the Crime Bill because democrats have moved so far left that effectively making the country safer is now considered controversial and racist.

Elizabeth Warren wants to destroy this country with bloated socialist plans, unconstitutional programs, and unchecked immigration. Just in case the country survives, she has a plan B of annihilation that will guarantee that violent criminals will be free to victimize everyone. With Warren in the White House, Americans will be broke, unarmed, terrified, and speaking Spanish.