Friday Morning Breakfast For The Brain


Stop Gum Violence: Radical Democrats Shoot Off Their Mouths

By Ben Garrison

The Democratic Socialists are behaving disgracefully. I know, what a shocker. The ‘Russia Collusion’ lie badly exposed them, and now they’re exacting their revenge by blaming President Trump for the El Paso mass murder. Even Sleepy Joe Biden got in on the act.

Politicizing tragedy is nothing new—Rahm Emanuel once said no serious crisis should go to waste. The latest tragedy is being vigorously exploited by the left. Their nasty rhetoric would be laughably ridiculous if it weren’t so dangerous.

Trump Derangement Syndrome drives them to divide our country even further with their creepy conspiracy theories of Nazis hiding behind every curtain and crevice—much to the disrespect to the families who are mourning.

A citizen can be black and favor America first—it’s called patriotism. It’s also known as nationalism. It means supporting the United States first and foremost. Likewise, a citizen can be white and be a nationalist. A white nationalist is not a white supremacist. Holding our country supreme is not the same thing as white supremacism, but many on the left are blindly indiscriminate when it comes to logic.

Many Trump supporters reject globalism. They want our borders protected and fair trade deals. This does not make a large portion of the US population ‘white supremacist.’

The worst thing that could happen as a result of the crisis is the so-called “Red Flag” gun control law. The Democrats say it wouldn’t be enough. I say it’s way too much. If passed, it will eventually be used to take away our guns.

Anyone who has visited a psychiatrist could have their 2nd Amendment nullified. Someone could post a politically incorrect message somewhere in jest and then find themselves facing the same penalty. Who knows—if one is in a bad mood or speaks sarcastically to a police officer or is critical of government or the Federal Reserve, such ‘hate’ may be enough to cause one to lose the right to firearm ownership.

Once government’s ‘red flag’ branch of the FBI or the CIA or whatever other tyrannical and corrupt ‘authority’ gets such a power to take away our guns, they will use it—and then broaden that power with time.

Meanwhile, the Democrats continue to wear out the word ‘racist’ until it has nearly lost its power. Perhaps that’s why they and their corrupt media must ramp things up to a scarier-sounding slur, ‘white supremacist.’

Check out all of Ben’s great cartoons and commentary HERE.

“The White Supremacist Terrorists Are Coming…The White Supremacist Terrorists Are Coming!”

Via Zero Hedge

If you enjoyed the global corporatocracy’s original War on Islamicist Terror, you’re going to love their latest spinoff, The War on White Supremacist Terror. It’s basically just like the old War on Terror, except that this time the bad guys are all white supremacists, and Donald Trump is Osama bin Laden … unless Putin is Osama bin Laden. OK, I’m not quite sure who’s Osama bin Laden. Whatever. The point is, the Terrorists are coming!

Yes, that’s right, some racist psycho murdered a bunch of people in Texas, so it’s time to “take the gloves off” again, pass some new kind of Patriot Act, further curtail our civil liberties, and generally whip the public up into a mass hysteria over “white supremacist terrorism.”

The New York Times Editorial Board is already hard at work on that front. In a lengthy op-ed that ran last Sunday, “We Have a White Nationalist Terrorist Problem,” the Board proposes that we would all be safer if the government — but presumably not the current government — could arbitrarily deem people “terrorists,” or “potential terrorists,” or “terrorist sympathizers,” regardless of whether they have any connection to any actual terrorist groups, and … well, here’s what the Editorial Board has in mind.

“The resources of the American government and its international allies would mobilize without delay. The awesome power of the state would work tirelessly to deny future terrorists access to weaponry, money and forums to spread their ideology. The movement would be infiltrated by spies and informants. Its financiers would face sanctions. Places of congregation would be surveilled. Those who gave aid or comfort to terrorists would be prosecuted.”

The Board didn’t mention the offshore gulags, wars of aggression, assassinations, torture, mass surveillance of virtually everyone, and other such features of the original War on Terror, but presumably all that kind of stuff would be included in “the awesome power of the state” that the Board would like the U.S. government to “mobilize without delay.”

And the mandarins of The New York Times were just getting started with the terrorism hysteria. The Tuesday edition was brimming with references to “white supremacy” and “domestic terrorism.” Here are some of the front page headlines … “Trump is a White Supremacist Who Inspires Terrorism.” “White Terrorism Shows Parallels to Islamic State.” “The Nihilist in Chief: how our president and our mass shooters are connected to the same dark psychic forces.” “I Spent 25 Years Fighting Jihadis. White Supremacists Aren’t So Different.” “Trump, Tax Cuts, and Terrorism.“ And so on.

Read the entire article HERE.

Beware Calls in US for Domestic ‘Terrorism’ Laws

Via Consortium News

Two mass shootings have rocked the United States in less than 24 hours, leaving dozens dead and many more wounded. The first in El Paso, Texas, was allegedly perpetrated by a white supremacist whose racist motives are outlined in a rambling “manifesto,” the second allegedly by a self-described “leftist” whose motives, like those of the 2017 Las Vegas shooter, are presently unknown. These incidents occurred a week after another mass shooting in Gilroy, California.

All the usual U.S. gun control debates have of course reignited, which is understandable. Alongside this debate, however, we are seeing another, far more pernicious agenda being raised that I would like to address here.

In an interview with MSNBC’s Joy Reid, notorious liar and propagandist Malcolm Nance claimed that existing laws aren’t sufficient for prosecuting the El Paso shooter, because there are no laws designating his act of mass murder as “domestic terrorism.”

“I think that Congress needs to take up right away a series of domestic terrorism laws,” Nance said. “It’d be very simple: just match them to the words ‘international terrorism,’ so that a member of al-Qaeda and a member of a white nationalist terrorist cell or a militia that thinks they’re going to carry out international acts of terrorism are equal all the way around. Right now there are no laws called ‘domestic terrorism law.’ They can get you for firearms, they get you for hate crimes, but you are not treated as a terrorist. This act in El Paso was clearly by all definitions a terrorist attack in the United States, but of course by the nature of the person being white and American he can’t be treated like a member of ISIS or al-Qaeda. He can’t even be detained, he can only be treated as a murderer.”

(The accused, for the record, is in fact under arrest currently, and prosecutors say that they are treating it as a domestic terrorism case for which they are seeking the death penalty. This is in Texas; he’ll be dead before the next “Fast & Furious” movie. Nance’s notion that prosecutors’ hands are somehow tied here is silly.)

“But he’s a murderer with a political intent who is spreading an ideology,” Nance continued. “So Congress should take that up immediately. And let’s see if the White House won’t sign that legislation. That would be very revealing.”

In other words, shove the legislation through and call anyone who opposes it a Nazi lover.

Read the entire article HERE.

The Ideological Roots of ‘The Squad’ in Academic ‘Postcolonial’ Theory

Via The American Thinker

To understand the ideological goals of the so-called “Squad” of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley, one needs to understand the academic theories labeled colonial and postcolonial studies. Many of us “people of color” who have direct or indirect ties to other parts of the third world have seen this nonsense being peddled many times before.

What we are witnessing, despite the veneer of watermelon politics, is not just Marxism, or Alinkyism, or socialism, or communism, or Black Pantherism, or eco-fascism. We are seeing iron-fisted colonial and postcolonial theory acting itself out on the national stage. The study of European colonialism and its aftermath, post colonialism, is a combination of all of those leftist social, economic, and environmental projects rolled into one, presented under the auspices of a systematic academic canon. It uses insider academic jargon to bemoan the aftereffects of having once been dominated, and against their will, culturally transformed by a European colonial power. Hence, the terms “colonialism” and “postcolonialism.”

This is what most people who are not of European descent study when they go to college in this country. If they don’t study it in college, they get a version of it in high school through “social studies” classes. If they never went to high school, they get a Jeremiah Wright version of it from the pulpit. If they don’t go to church, they get it from community organizers in the streets. And if they are not in school, at church, or in the streets, then they are getting it from home. The bottom line is that one way or another, they get it. However, it is the colleges and universities that are doing the most to perpetuate this ideological system intent on destroying all Christian societies and civilizations.

Read the entire article HERE.

Biden Goes All In on the Race Issue

By Patrick J. Buchanan

Those who believed America’s racial divide would begin to close with the civil rights acts of the 1960s and the election of a black president in this century appear to have been overly optimistic.

The race divide seems deeper and wider than at any time in our lifetimes. Most of the aspiring leaders of the Democratic Party have apparently concluded that branding the president a “racist” and “white supremacist” is the strategy to pursue to win the nomination and the White House.

Here is Joe Biden, speaking in Iowa as President Donald Trump was visiting the wounded communities of Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas: “This president has fanned the flames of white supremacy in this nation. … The energetic embrace of this president by the darkest hearts and the most hate-filled minds in this country says it all.

“We have a problem with this rising tide of … white supremacy in America. And we have a president who encourages and emboldens it.”

What had Trump done to invite such a charge?
The key piece of evidence linking Trump to the mass murderer of El Paso, is a single phrase out of a 2,000-word screed posted on social media, allegedly by the gunman minutes before carrying out his atrocity.

Patrick Crusius said he was striking this blow against the “Hispanic invasion of Texas.” And Donald Trump has often used that term, invasion, to describe the crisis on the border.

Yet the word “invasion” to label what is happening on America’s Southern border long predated Trump, and, moreover, is both an accurate and valid description.

Consider. There are, by most estimates, at least 11 million migrants in the United States illegally, the equivalent of the entire population of Cuba. Lately, migrants have been crossing the Mexican border at a rate of 100,000 a month. If one had to choose a word to describe graphically what is going on, would it not be invasion?

What a panicked establishment, and its stable of candidates, is doing is transparent. By declaring “invasion” — a legitimate description of what is transpiring on the Southern border — to be inherently racist, it is conceding the word has power and is an effective weapon in the political arsenal of those the establishment seeks to censor, stigmatize and silence.

Read the entire article HERE.

Bernie Sanders pledges to reveal info on aliens if he wins in 2020

Via Fox News

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., pledged that as president he would disclose government information about aliens and unidentified flying objects.

Sanders, one of the leading 2020 Democrats, told podcast host Joe Rogan on Tuesday that his wife would “demand” he tell people about the mysterious phenomena.

“Well I tell you, my wife would demand I let you know,” he told Rogan who asked whether Sanders would disclose that information.

When Rogan asked whether his wife was a UFO nut, he said she wasn’t but said she has previously asked him about the information he might have as a senator. “No, she’s not a UFO nut. She goes, Bernie, ‘What is going on do you know? Do you have any access?’”

“All right, we’ll announce it on the show. How’s that?” Sanders later said after Rogan pressed him on the issue.

Read the entire article HERE.

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