Did She Forget About The Clinton Body Count? Kirsten Gillibrand Demands Epstein Investigation

People who cross the Clintons or have the goods on their vast criminal enterprises tend to end up dead and it happened again when billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was found “suicided” in his jail cell this weekend. One-time Clinton ally Kirsten Gillibrand has been critical of the former first couple and is now calling for a complete investigation into Epstein’s death. Considering the “Clinton Body Count” Gillibrand should be very careful about what she says because Bill and Hillary ain’t playing around.

In case you aren’t familiar with the “Clinton Body Count” there have been dozens of Clinton associates who have died in mysterious ways and impossible suicides, like former White House advisor Vince Foster. The liberal media likes to write these amazing coincidences off as a crazy conspiracy theory but the fact of the matter is that anyone who could have brought the Clintons down has ended up dead.

For those of you who are interested, here is a detailed list of all the people connected to the Clintons who have died. Anyone who ever helped Hillary defraud investors or saw Bill dip his wick have ended up in single fatal car accidents or with “two behind the ear.”

That is true for billionaire Jeffrey Epstein who was found dead in his jail cell on Saturday, awaiting trail for underage sex trafficking. Epstein and Bill Clinton are old buddies who liked to party with young girls and if Epstein actually went to trail, evidence of Clinton’s sex activities with minors was sure to come out. By pure coincidence Epstein, who had already attempted suicide in jail, was taken off of suicide-watch and wound up dead.

And that brings us to 2020 democratic party hopeful Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. She had already broken with her party and the Clintons by acknowledging Bill’s sexual predatory ways and even said he should have resigned the presidency over his sex scandals.

Now Gillibrand is demanding a full investigation into Epstein’s death, which is obviously something those who are responsible don’t want.

“I do think there needs to be a full investigation about why he was taken off the suicide watch list; I think it’s a strange decision, given that he attempted suicide once already. I want to know why he was left in a circumstance where suicide was even possible,” said Gillibrand.

Even if that investigation leads back to the Clintons? Like I said, Gillibrand should be very careful about the things she says. Epstein’s death is not something anyone connected to him want a lot of questions answered about.

It gets a little more complicated for Gillibrand because she was hand-selected by the Clintons to take over Hillary’s NY Senate seat. As a woman of below average looks and intelligence, she was in Bill’s wheelhouse, leading many to speculate what she had to do to get gifted a US Senate seat. There’s the possibility that Gillibrand does have the goods on Bill and now she’s publicly talking about things that are uncomfortable for the Clintons.

Maybe Gillibrand will get a gently reminder to STFU and everything will be okay. Still, I wouldn’t feel comfortable sitting next to her on a commercial flight. There’s more than one way a woman has to watch her ass around Bill Clinton.

Meanwhile, with Epstein’s death the “Clinton Body Count” is getting renewed attention, mostly from the liberal media doing its best to pretend like it’s completely normal for so many Clinton associates to die in weird and impossible ways. How many people do you know who committed suicide with 2 shots to the back of the head? For me it’s zero but for Bill and Hillary it’s dozens.