Super-Corrupt Hillary Clinton Calls President Trump A ‘Corrupt Human Tornado’

The pot calling the kettle black isn’t quite strong enough to describe what’s going on here. 2-time presidential loser and the most corrupt politician the United States has ever known, says that President Trump is a “corrupt human tornado.” We all know that Hillary lacks any self-awareness, but this is worse than her husband Bill accusing people of being rapists and philanderers.

The liberal media generated Ukraine quid pro quo fake scandal is only about a week old, but it’s already yielding hilarious results. Based on no facts whatsoever, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi just announced an impeachment inquiry against Trump based on him threatening to withhold military aide to the Ukraine if they didn’t investigate Joe Biden’s corruption. Trump however is releasing the transcripts of the phone call where this alleged impeachable crime took place, so the democrats are all standing their holding their puds.

And speaking of ding-dongs, Hilary Clinton went balls-deep on the impeachment thing as well. Here’s what she told People magazine:

“We are in a crisis. I’m in favor of impeachment. I did not come to that decision easily or quickly, but this is an emergency as I see it,” said Hillary.

Even in defeat she’s still a lying sack of crap. She didn’t come to the decision on impeachment easily? She’s been trying to undo the results of the 2016 election since she lost. Her entire existence is to get rid of Trump. I’d also like to point out that as an unemployed unelected private citizen, Hillary doesn’t actually get to make the decision to impeach Trump. Someone should let her know that.

“This latest behavior around Ukraine, trying to enlist the president of Ukraine in a plot to undermine former Vice President Biden or lose the military aide he needs to defend against Trump’s friend, Vladimir Putin — if that’s not an impeachable offense, I don’t know what is,” Hillary said.

You know what would be an impeachable offense? If someone took millions in donations from a foreign government to their family foundation and then turned around signed over U.S. uranium rights to that very same foreign nation. Well, it would be an impeachable offense if that person were president but as was already mentioned, Hillary lost.

Now here’s the money shot:

Calling Trump a “a reckless, corrupt human tornado who cares only about himself,” Clinton told PEOPLE it is the constitutional duty of the House of Representatives to begin impeachment proceedings “not happily or with glee,” but in the interests of national security.

Like I said, self-awareness isn’t one of her strong suits, then again she wears pantsuits which are pretty weak too. But hey, at least she acknowledge he’s human, which is a big step towards recovery.

Donald Trump’s personal wealth has taken a major hit being President of the United States. Meanwhile, the Clintons left the White House in 2000 “dead broke” and in fact millions in debt. In less than 10 years they amassed a fortune of over $30 million despite neither of them having any kind of a high-paying job. Where’d the money come from?

Also, where does Hillary get off accusing someone else of being an egomaniac? Her two favorite letters in the alphabet are “M” and “E.” Her entire career in “public service” has been to position herself in a way that benefits her and her only.

Since Hillary thinks President Trump is a “corrupt human tornado” I’d thought it might be fun to see what kind of natural disaster she is:

A Cyclone of Sadness?

An Earthquake of Sexual Assault Enabling?

An Avalanche of Avarice?

A Wildfire Witch?

A Hurricane of Hubris?

A Flood of Falsehoods?

A Plague of Pantsuits?

Hillary Clinton certainly is a disaster, but there’s absolutely nothing natural about her.