Crazy Joe Biden Once Again Demonstrates That His Mind Is Shot

Can we please stop referring to the garbage that comes out of Joe Biden’s mouth as gaffes? He isn’t misspeaking, this is what he means to say. When he says something racist it’s because he’s racist, when he says something that is untrue it’s because he’s a liar, and when he says something crazy it’s because he’s f*cking nuts. His latest bit of verbal vomit has him claiming that survivors of a mass shooting that occurred after he left office came to see him when he was vice president. Since his mind is completely shot, technically every thing he says is true to him, but to the rest of the world, he’s completely bonkers.

Bloomberg reports that Biden appeared with former Rep. Gabby Giffords, who took a bullet to the head, to promote gun control. Somehow it was Biden who came off as the one with a debilitating head wound:

Biden told reporters in Iowa on Saturday that “those kids in Parkland came up to see me when I was vice president.” But when they visited Capitol Hill to talk with members of Congress, lawmakers were “basically cowering, not wanting to see them. They did not want to face it on camera.”

Biden was vice president from January 2009 through January 2017. The shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida happened on February 14, 2018. That’s over a year after Biden left office and yet for some reason he thinks he met the survivors when he was VP. Even crazier, he’s giving Congress (Republicans) shit for not meeting with the kids as well.

Biden is clearly insane so his campaign has a rapid response team to put out the fires as soon as they erupt. Here’s how his people are trying to explain away his deteriorating mind:

An official with the Biden campaign said the former vice president was thinking of the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, when he misspoke. That attack, in which 20 children between six and seven years old were killed along with six staff members, was in December 2012.

So he was confusing a bunch of kindergartners who survived a shooting in 2012 with a bunch of teenagers and adults who survived a shooting in 2018? Sounds plausible. Not!

Even if this Biden campaign explanation is true, and it’s not, it still doesn’t make Biden seem like his mind is sharp. They’ve tried to diminish his lying but in doing so confirmed that the has giblets for brains. Maybe with Biden, this is the best possible way to spin things.

This is not an isolated incident. On a weekly basis he says things that show he is utterly detached from reality.

Two days ago Biden said, “Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids.”

Three days ago he said he choses, “Truth over facts.”

Last week he offered sympathy to the shooting victims of “Houston and Michigan” when he meant El Paso and Dayton.

At the beginning of the month he gave Trump 8 more years in the White House.

In mid-July he challenged President Trump to a push-up contest.

A week before that he claimed George Bush made him vote for the Iraq war.

At the Beginning of July he straight-up admitted, “I have no sense.”

In late June he said the first thing he’d do after defeating Trump would be to defeat Trump.

In mid-June he said he was going to mandate “James Bond” DNA-activated guns.

A week before that he said he celebrated the deaths of black people in the Charleston church shooting.

That same day he said he was going to beat Republicans with brass knuckles to raise taxes.

A couple days earlier he said he would cure cancer if you vote for him.

That’s just the past couple of months. This guy is senile and dangerously unstable and yet the liberal media insists on calling his insanity “gaffes.” Nobody who is in control of his facilities “misspeaks” this frequently.