Bernie Sanders To Replace Constitution With ‘Commie Bill Of Rights’

Socialist kook Bernie Sanders is no fan of our existing Constitutional rights because there is too much freedom and not enough communism for his tastes. That is why if he is elected president he will do away with stuff like free expression and private gun ownership in favor of the right to be obedient to the state. The part-time democrat has come with a list of things he thinks we are entitled to and the only way to describe it is as the “Commie Bill of Rights.”

Here’s something that American-hating socialists will get a big red stiffy over:

Wow. So none of those thing are actual rights, but they do remind me of something. What’s that thing called were everyone gets paid no matter how lazy and incompetent they are? You know, where the government provides housing, food, education, and healthcare? Oh yeah, it’s communism. That’s the thing I was thinking of.

Holy shit! This isn’t even Bernie pretending he’s a “democratic socialist” anymore, it’s him calling for the full communization of the United States. The only right he’s describing here is the state’s right to our labor and I don’t think that’s anything anyone who values liberty would say is right at all.

He saying he wants the government to tell you where you can work, how much you can make, and what you’re allowed to spend your money on. It’s the government deciding where you’ll live, what you’ll eat, and how you’ll behave. In addition, Bernie’s plan has the state dictating what you are allowed to learn and how you will take care of yourself. This is a total government take-over of every aspect of your life.

It’s not that it’s so shocking to find out that the guy who calls himself a socialist and honeymooned in the Soviet Union is a communist, we already knew that. The surprising thing is he’s no longer pushing his socialism under the guise of democracy. There’s no more pretending this garbage is anything other than pure communism.

One of the the things I’ve always found peculiar about Bernie Sanders is that he’s trying to use the democratic process of a free and fair election to usher in socialism. Doesn’t he know that the only way to force people under the iron fist of communist rule is through violent revolution? I guess if he had any sense of history he’d also know that socialism has been a spectacular failure everywhere it’s been implemented.

Bernie Sanders recently called for the American people to be disarmed and that’s not a coincidence. He understands that it’s impossible to force the country into socialism as long as we are armed. Like every communist/fascist tyrant before him, Bernie gets it that he has to take away the guns before he can take away the rest of our rights. Interestingly enough, this is the exact reason why our Founding Fathers sought to protect our right to keep and bear arms.

Democrats like Bernie say that a vote for President Trump in 2020 is support for racism, which is another one of their leftist propaganda lies. However, a vote for Bernie or any of the socialist democrats in the next election is support for the complete destruct of our free society. If any one of these commies gets in the White House 242 years of liberty will be wiped out and that’s not an exaggeration. In fact, as you can see, it’s what they are running on.