Bernie And Kamala Demand Gun Confiscation

It wasn’t like any of the democrats running in 2020 had reasonable positions on gun rights, but in the wake of last weekend’s shootings they are now going for full-on gun confiscation. Bernie Sanders is demanding a gun ban with confiscation under the guise of a mandatory gun buy back. Not to be out done, Kamala Harris will ban guns with executive order and send shock troops door-to-door to confiscate firearms from Americans. Once again the liberal solution to bad guys doing bad things is to rip up the Constitution and punish law-abiding people.

Following a pair shootings committed by leftist extremists in El Paso and Dayton, democrats have decided the issue is two-fold: white people and the 2nd Amendment. It’s unsure what they intend to do about whiteness, but with the gun ownership rights, here’s how Bernie Sanders would like to tackle the issue:

A lefty socialist who wants to disarm people? Where have I heard that story before? I want to say Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and every single failed communist/fascist regime ever.

The biggest most obvious problem is that a “buy-back” isn’t a by-back if it’s mandatory. Call it what it is: the government confiscating lawfully-acquired firearms from law-abiding citizens under penalty of law. How can you buy a gun back when you didn’t sell it in the first place?

Bernie doesn’t say what happens if Americans fail to surrender their firearms in, but Kamala Harris certainly does.

Kamala Harris has previously stated that if she were elected president, she would use executive action to enact control, including banning entire classes of weapons she and liberals think look scary. And just how would she get those weapons out of people’s hands? The Washington Examiner asked her recently at an anti-gun conference in Las Vegas:

When asked by the Washington Examiner if her plan would include legal gun owner databases or gun confiscation via law enforcement visits to residents who own banned firearms, she replied, “I’m actually prepared to take executive action to put in place rules that improve this situation.”

She continued, “I also have as part of my background and experience working on this issue, when I was attorney general [of California], and we put resources into allowing law enforcement to actually knock on the doors of people who were on two lists — a list where they had been found by a court to be a danger to themselves and others.

So yes, if Kamala were president, she’d send jack-booted thugs door-to-door to confiscate firearms from American citizens. Presumably she’d let illegal aliens keep their weapons because that’s her base, plus it would be racist to deny them their non-existent Constitutional rights.

Harris didn’t provide any logistical details about how she will use governemnet shock troops to confiscate hundreds of millions of firearms from people who don’t want to give them up. She also didn’t address what she will do about the ensuing civil war that will result from such an anti-freedom plan.

Neither candidate explained how they plan to get around the U.S. Constitution for their mass gun confiscations, but if either of these leftist kooks actually becomes POTUS that means the world is coming to an end and something written on a piece of paper won’t be as pressing of an issue as the fire, brimstone, the rise of the beast, and the anti-Christ.