Biden Calls Trump’s Failure To Concede Stolen Election An ‘Embarrassment’

Joe Biden, who eats his wife’s finger and thinks George Bush is president, has finally found something he thinks is embarrassing. According to hair-sniffing Joe, it’s an embarrassment that President Trump hasn’t yet conceded the stolen election. Bragging that you let kids rub your hairy legs is embarrassing but waiting to get the real results from a presidential election is just plain smart. Who’s surprised lying dog-faced pony soldier Biden doesn’t know that?

Biden was asked what he makes of the fact that President Trump hasn’t yet conceded.

“Well, quite frankly, I think it’s an embarrassment,” said Biden.

As he said something was an embarrassment, he rubbed something from his nose and seem to put it in his mouth. I’m not saying he picked and then ate a booger, but he probably licked a little snot.

From there, Biden tried to shame Trump into conceding.

“How can I say this tactfully? I think that it will not help the President’s legacy,” Biden added.

Does Biden think President Trump is going to walk away from an election he was cheated out of just so he won’t be remembered in a bad light? The liberal media and democrats have been hammering him and demonizing him for 4 years. If he conceded right now, would they all suddenly go: “You know what? Trump was actually a pretty good guy.” No matter what he does, the left will always talk about Trump in terms that he was worse than Hitler.

When asked what he thinks about the fact that most Republican lawmakers haven’t congratulated him, he got even more delusional:

“I think that the whole Republican Party has been put in a position, with a few notable exceptions, of being mildly intimidated by the sitting President,” Biden said.

Or, stay with me on this one, Republicans can see the problems with the election and they don’t want to congratulate the wrong guy. There’s enough evidence out there that shows massive fraud and there will be recounts and audits of the votes to determine the actual winner. Republicans don’t need to be intimidated into waiting for the actual results to come in.

And finally, Biden went full-space cadet by saying that the people who voted for Trump will embrace and love him:

“Even among Republicans, uh people who voted for the President, I understand the sense of loss, I get that. But I think that the majority of the people who voted for the President, a lot voted for him, a significantly smaller number, but a lot voted for him, I think they understand that we have to come together. I think they’re ready to unite and I believe we can pull the country out of this bitter politics we’ve seen in the last 5, 6, 7 years,” said Biden.

Not only does Biden smack talk Trump voters for being losers who are a “smaller number” than his voters while saying they want to untie with him, he completely forgets who was in office 5 or 6 or 7 years ago. To refresh his memory, it was the Obama/Biden administration. Biden is saying that the one of the guys who caused “this bitter politics” is now going to be the one to pull us out of it. Why didn’t he stop it in 2013 when he was vice president?

Once the recounts start coming in and the states begin flipping for Trump, let’s see how willing Joe Biden is to concede. I have a feeling it will be his biggest embarrassment yet and that’s saying a lot from a guy who once commanded a wheelchair-bound handicapped man to stand up.