Monday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Monday again…

Bernie and the Democrats: How Anger Makes You Stupid

Via PJ Media

Crazy, no? Crazy, yes. Crazier than the proverbial hoot owl. And mighty angry.

Was Bernie always this way? More or less. When I saw him speak in Des Moines during his first go-round as a presidential candidate, I thought I had been teleported back to 1912 and was listening to Eugene V. Debs, who ran for U.S. president as a socialist five times, vilifying capitalism at every turn. Only Debs had the excuse of spewing his destructive nonsense before Stalin and Mao murdered or starved to death tens of millions of their own people

Not that any of this disturbed Bernie, who, as is well known, celebrated his marriage in the Soviet Union, a land he clearly preferred to the USA. The problem with all this is that Sanders remains popular with student and millennial audiences that are, given the nature of our educational system, primed to be loyal citizens of a future Animal Farm, in fact already are.

Sanders is the grandfather of the social justice warriors and the violent Antifa freaks in their KKK look-alike masks. In a sense, he is a kind of child molester, more dangerous in his own way than even Jeffrey Epstein. As last year’s news, however, he is losing ground these days to Elizabeth Warren, who claims to be sort of a capitalist but not really (just as she claimed to be sort of an Indian but not really). So Bernie’s even more angry, hectoring us more than usual. But Liz is little better, try as she might to play-act the beer-drinking one of the boys and girls who dances the hully-gully or whatever it was she was doing. It didn’t look like fun.

They’re not alone. The entire Democratic field appears to be an angry man/woman’s club. No happy warriors there.

Read the entire article HERE.

Conservative Group Has Started Making Journalists Play By The New Rules And The Journalists Are Terrified Of What’s Coming

Via Red State

If you’ve ever watched CNN’s rainman, Andrew Kaczynski, aka @KFile, at work you know how this stupid gotcha game is played. You go back through the target’s writings, often delving into college newspaper columns, looking for untoward things that they may have said and then splash the findings across the internet as though they were particularly relevant. This is an example that is happening now where out of context and completely defensible statements are being manipulated by CNN to try to torpedo an appeals court nominee:

So today, the New York Times reported that what was sauce for the goose will be sauce for the gander in 2020:

A loose network of conservative operatives allied with the White House is pursuing what they say will be an aggressive operation to discredit news organizations deemed hostile to President Trump by publicizing damaging information about journalists.

Operatives have closely examined more than a decade’s worth of public posts and statements by journalists, the people familiar with the operation said. Only a fraction of what the network claims to have uncovered has been made public, the people said, with more to be disclosed as the 2020 election heats up. The research is said to extend to members of journalists’ families who are active in politics, as well as liberal activists and other political opponents of the president.

The group, so far, has been responsible for the firing of a CNN photo editor who liked to tweet anti-Semitic stuff in his free time and it unearthed racist and anti-Semitic writings by a New York Times politics editor named Tom Wright-Piersanti

Read the entire article HERE.

NYT and Democrat Bolsheviks echo Farrakhan: White people are devils

Via Communities Digital News

The NYT: All racism all the time

Democrat Bolsheviks and their subservient minions in the national media have decided to channel the worst impulses of Louis Farrakhan, Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam. The New York Times (NYT) managing editor recently declared in a secretly taped meeting that, having failed to make the Russia hoax stick for the last three years, they will be focussing on racism, white supremacy, and white nationalism as the biggest threats to America for the next two years. (The New York Times surrenders to the left on race)

Anything goes to bring down the President.

It is not about truth. Or news. It’s about political ideology and McCarthyite smear tactics. From the “Old Grey Lady”. The “paper of record”. All the smears that are fit to make up and print. The lies we feel free to invent. And the leaks John Brennan or James Comey can muster.

Anything in the name of the cause.

Apparently, according to CNN, MSNBC, the NYT, and The Washington Post, White people are the problem. White privilege. Supremacy. Nationalism. Leaking out like a rash under every rock.

Spreading like wildfire across the country.

It echoes the worst and most racist slogans of Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam in the 1950s including White people are devils. It channels the anti-American screeds of Reverend Jeremiah Wright in the 1990s.

The anti -White racist language of Louis Farrakhan has found a home in the heart of the Democrat Party and their supplicants in the media.

Read the entire article HERE.

Big Tech Under Fire

Via The New American

The global empire of Googledom is under attack. Over the past year, the tech behemoth (and its parent company, Alphabet Inc.) has sustained some serious body blows. And more appear to be coming. Most recently, billionaire tech titan Peter Thiel (PayPal, Palantir Technologies, Clarium Capital, Founders Fund) grabbed headlines and shook markets by calling for an investigation by the FBI and CIA of Google for having “engaged in the seemingly treasonous decision to work with the Chinese military and not with the US military.” Calls have been growing on both sides of the political aisle for the federal government to regulate, or even take over, the social media and search engine operations of Google and other Big Tech firms.

Since Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 presidential elections, Big Tech globalists have been escalating their attacks on conservative news sites, websites, bloggers, and commentators. The weapons they are using are demonetizing, censoring, shadow banning, temporary suspension, and — when those measures fail to achieve the desired suppression of alternate viewpoints — outright banning, also known as “deplatforming.” Deplatforming is the preferred Big Tech weapon of the day, banishing troublesome “thought-crime” practitioners to the cyber netherworld. The big D-Day for initiating the deplatforming offensive was August 6, 2018, when YouTube joined with Apple, Facebook, and Spotify in sending all content by Alex Jones and his mega-popular Infowars down the Orwellian memory hole. Poof! In an instant, thousands of Infowars’ videos, podcasts, and articles disappeared. The tech giants offered no proof of actual “hate crimes” to justify bouncing Jones — along with his 2.5 million subscribers — off his platform.

As The New American warned at the time, Big Tech’s purge of Jones/Infowars was bound to be only the opening salvo in its Stalinist cyber jihad against all who refused to kowtow to political correctness. That has proven to be true, as a host of right-leaning victims has been slammed by GoogTwitFaceApp with demonetizing, censoring, and/or deplatforming: Paul Joseph Watson, Mike Adams and Natural News, Dennis Prager and Prager University, Candace Owens, Michelle Malkin, Steven Crowder, James Woods, Peter Van Buren, Tommy Robinson, Milo Yiannopoulos, Robert Spencer, Laura Loomer, Project Veritas, Gavin McInnes, The New American, and many more.

Read the entire article HERE.

Father Gives Horrifying Testimony of the Public School Brainwashing of His Autistic Daughter into Transgenderism

Via Big League Politics

No child is off limits as liberals target vulnerable kids for induction into this lifestyle.

The LGBT agenda is aggressively targeting children with an all-pervasive propaganda push, and a father wrote a terrifying testimonial in the USA Today about how his special needs daughter was exploited by these abusers.

“In April 2016, my then 14-year-old daughter became convinced that she was my son. In my attempt to help her, her public school undermined me every step of the way,” wrote Jay Keck about his special needs daughter who is on the autism spectrum.

“At her high school, my daughter was approached by a girl who had recently come out at school as transgender. Shortly after meeting her, my daughter declared that she, too, was a boy trapped in a girl’s body and picked out a new masculine name,” he added.

School officials did everything they could to reinforce his daughter’s delusion, and kept her parents in the dark while this special needs child was pushed into the LGBT lifestyle.

Read the entire article HERE.

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