Will & Grace Stars Demand Blacklist Boycott Of Hollywood Conservatives

Back in the 1950’s Senator Joe McCarthy tried to root out communism, which lead to suspected and accused communist sympathizers being blacklisted in the entertainment industry. The stars of the unwatchable show Will & Grace want to bring back the Hollywood blacklist, but replaced the “red scare” with an “orange scare.” They are demanding a list of everyone in Hollywood who donates to President Trump’s campaign so those people can be banned from ever working in entertainment again.

This started out with a piece in The Hollywood Reporter about an upcoming Trump fundraiser in Beverly Hills. Naturally anything involving Trump is going to trigger the left, so here was Will & Grace star Eric McCormack’s leveled-headed response:

Yup. Anyone who has a different point of view deserves to be stripped of their livelihood because, how dare they think for themselves? And speaking of mindless sheep, Will & Grace costar Debra Messing thinks it would be super-awesome to get a conservative Hollywood blacklist going:

After taking a ton of crap on Twitter for being neo-fascist intolerant bullies, Messing offered this claim of innocence:

Yeah, but she kind of left out the part about how she is on board with a complete boycott of anyone who doesn’t share her political beliefs. She wants a list and she wants people to name names.

Maybe Messing and McCormack want public hearings as well: “Are now or have you ever been a member of the Republican Party?”

If you were to ask anyone working in the entertainment industry what they think about McCarthyism, they would describe it as a dark chapter in our country’s history. And yet, here are two entertainers calling for a return of this darkness, aimed at people they don’t like. So it wasn’t so much that McCarthyism was bad, just that it wasn’t going after the right team.

This is entirely consistent with liberal hypocrisy. They claim to be horrified by things, but then advocate for those horrific things to be used against their enemies. They say that they abhor violence while at the same time wishing death and suffering on everyone they disagree with.

Hollywood liberals would never boycott or shun one of their own for sexual assault or racism but, damn it, if someone dares donate a nickel to President Trump’s campaign they must be run out of town on a rail. Face it, these people aren’t as morally superior as they claim to be.

This is all probably pointless because Messing and McCormack ain’t exactly Hollywood power players. Also, I can’t image there are a ton of conservatives working in the entertainment industry. Still, it does manage to show how shitty Hollywood liberals are, but then again we already knew that.