AOC Promotes Soviet-Style Green New Deal Propaganda Posters

More Stalinist than Stalin himself.

During the Labor Day weekend, freshman Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won’t be relaxing like many working Americans because the relentless drive to impose socialism never rests.

The social media superstar who exploded on the national scene last summer despite zero political experience has captivated the left and become a celebrity while pushing ideas that are decidedly anti-American.

While her rollout of the socialist Trojan horse Green New Deal earlier this year was widely ridiculed over a focus on “farting cows” and doing away with airplanes, the overriding theme of a centralization of power in a government that’s controlled by mean-spirited bullies like her remains.

For those who recall history unlike the clueless millennials who have flocked to her and the Lenin of the movement Bernie Sanders, it is easy to see the Soviet inspiration in the gospel preached by AOC and now even the propaganda is beginning to resemble that of the Bolsheviks.

The former bartender turned revolutionary tweeted out the following:

The queen of audacity touted the propaganda as being inspired by FDR’s New Deal but it is far more reminiscent to vintage Soviet posters that ushered in the horrors of Lenin and Stalin.

Many were quick to recognize the similarities that will be lost on the poorly educated young people who are in AOC’s flock.

Via Town Hall, “AOC’s Green New Deal Posters Look Like Soviet Union Propaganda”:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is usually pretty good with her marketing. You may not like what she has to say, but she at least has style. That’s why it makes it all the more bizarre that she chose posters to advocate for her Green New Deal which as if they are right out of the Soviet Union’s propaganda machine. AOC first revealed the posters on Twitter on Friday, and conservatives were quick to point out their likeness to communist flyers of old.

“Surprise!I am thrilled to announce the launch of our #GreenNewDeal art series with custom Bronx & Queens GND posters. The Bronx edition poster will be given for free as a limited release to the public at our Pelham Bay Nature Day & Backpack Giveaway in the Bronx tomorrow,” Rep. Ocasio-Cortez tweeted.

“These posters push us to imagine our future with a Green New Deal in two of our beloved NY-14 parks: Pelham Bay & Flushing Meadows,” she added. “All our #GND posters are made in the US, union-printed & will be available for purchase soon, but available at organizing events now.”

The most troublesome aspect of Hillary’s loss is how the Democratic party was hollowed out and how quickly the vacuum was filled by extremists who are determined to bring about the grand transformation of America into a socialist country.

Thanks to the weak and fertile minds of poorly-educated younger people, it is now a very real possiblity that this nightmarish scenario may be in the future.


Everywhere where socialism has taken root, political persecution, oppression and misery have soon followed and yet this evil philosophy has been embraced by Democrats and their angry young social justice warrior mobs.

As no less an authority than Vladimir I. Lenin himself put it – “The goal of socialism is communism” and make no mistake, that is where America is headed if the radicalized Democrats get their way.

And a fool will lead them.