Biden Vows To Destroy Most Guns And Limit Magazines To 1 Round

Joe Biden just became the most extreme anti-gun candidate in the democratic party field. Not only did he vow to “eliminate” all semi-automatic guns, but he would also limit magazine capacity to 1 round. The question here is, does this represent Crazy Joe’s descent into madness or is this just some of that gun ignorance that liberals are so famous for? I’m a pretty positive guy, so I think it’s both.

Biden was on the campaign trail in Iowa and his handlers were crossing their fingers that he could get through one single appearance without saying something insane or stupid. He let them down in a big way by doing both. Biden was talking about the shooting in Odessa, Texas and said it was “absolutely irrational” to respect the people’s right to keep and bears arms.

And speaking of irrational, here’s the gun control plan Joe would like to impose:

“The idea that we don’t have elimination of assault-type weapons, magazines that can hold multiple bullets in them, it’s absolutely mindless,” said Biden.

Well, Biden is an expert in mindlessness.

Assault-type weapons? That’s a new one. They’re not quite “assault weapons” which is what liberals call AR-15’s, but they are close. I’m not 100% certain what Joe thinks those are, but presumably they are semi-automatic firearms, or as we like to call them: most guns owned legally by Americans.

Biden doesn’t say he wants to ban these “assault-type” weapons. He’s not interested in grandfathering in the ones in existing hands, but rather he wants to eliminate them. Eliminate means to make something no longer exist, so he would stop the manufacture of these weapons, ban their sale, confiscate, and destroy nearly every privately owned firearm in the country.

The second part of this is almost as crazy. He also wants to ban magazines that hold “multiple rounds.” “Multiple” means more than one so he’s calling for a ban on magazines that hold more than 1 round.

Don’t worry though, Constitutional scholar and gun expert Biden assures us that banning, confiscating, and destroying all firearms except for single-shot guns is totally legal.

“It’s no violation of the Second Amendment. It’s just a bow of special interests of the gun manufactures and the NRA,” Biden said.

Biden was asked by a reporter if he would be willing to compromise with Republicans on his insane disarmament plan and he replied:

“None on this. I think there’s no compromise, this is one we have to just push, push, and push,” said Biden.

Biden has bragged about how he was able to work with white supremacists and segregationists, but when it comes to ripping up the Constitution and disarming the American people, he is unwilling to compromise with Republicans.

It has occurred to me that those things that came out of Biden’s mouth were involuntary and due to both dementia and a complete lack of firearms knowledge. It doesn’t really matter because he said those things and the liberal media will not call him out for having oatmeal brains. We have to treat this as Biden’s official gun control platform and it’s yet another reason why he should never be president.