Joe Biden Unveils His Pedophile Ice Cream Truck

Joe Biden loves ice cream and creeping on little kids. If only there were a way to combine these two passions. Biden might not be able to figure out how to solve the border crisis he created or stop the economy free fall he initiated, but he’s one smart son-of-a-bitch when it comes to pedophilia. The illegitimate president has unveiled his child molester ice cream truck, just in time for the summer.

Here’s a disturbing tweet from the Democratic National Committee communications director:

Holy shit! Who thought this was a good idea?

That ice cream truck screams: “Hey kids, wanna come inside this van and get some ice cream from Uncle Joe?”

This is the “stranger danger” parents have been teaching their kids about for generations. Don’t get in a vehicle with a stranger offering sweets. Period.

The only way this could be any creepier is if Biden assumed the persona of a clown named “Sweet Tooth.”

While this is some frightening optics, from a liberal media standpoint it makes perfect sense. The only thing the fake news ever asks Joe about is ice cream and now they don’t even have to pretend like they’re not lobbing softballs at him. It’s a f*cking ice cream truck.

“Mr. president, what flavor ice cream are those kids rubbing on your hairy legs?” asked CNN.

“Mr. president, what are the best kind of sprinkles to sniff out of a little girl’s hair?” MSNBC asked.

Mr. president, what’s better for uninvited back rubs? Caramel or hot fudge?” asked the New York Times.

Joe Biden’s reputation for being a hair-sniffing child-fondling creep has existed as long as his political career. It’s no secret that he’s creepy, so how did his handlers not see building a rape wagon ice cream truck bearing his image as problematic?

Joe’s son Hunter has a reputation for being a drug-addicted womanizer, so this is like if Hunter was touring the country in a “Hookers ‘n Blow” mobile. Okay, I’m not 100% convinced that isn’t a thing too, but you get the point.

And while we’re here, Joe Biden isn’t giving out free ice cream. He’s giving out ice cream that we paid for in a pedophile van that we also paid for. Free ice cream would come out of his pocket, instead of little children’s hands going into his pocket, fishing for candy.