Commissar Nadler To Launch Another Investigation Into Trump

HEY! HEY! HEY! It’s Fat Jerry!

Now that the House Of Representatives has devolved into the old Soviet Politburo under Democrat control, there is yet another investigation into President Trump that will soon be launched.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler is looking to jumpstart the ridiculous argument for impeachment under the obscure Emoluments Clause over Trump’s invitation to world leaders to host the G7 at his golf resort in Florida.

Following a successful visit with the leaders of the free world in France last week, the gracious POTUS suggested that the next meeting could take place at Trump National Doral in Miami.

In normal times this would be recognized as diplomacy but for Commissar Nadler it is yet one more avenue to settle decades-old scores with his longtime nemesis from New York.

According to Nadler and his fellow neo-Stalinists on the committee, the invite is “only the latest in a troubling pattern of corruption and self-dealing” which means that Dems will spend the next several months pissing away millions of taxpayer dollars on yet another ridiculous probe.

Via Politico, “Judiciary Dems to investigate Trump push to host next year’s G-7 at his Doral resort”:

Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee slammed President Donald Trump’s push to host the G-7 summit next year at his Doral resort in Miami, deriding the move as “only the latest in a troubling pattern of corruption and self-dealing” by the president and pledging to consider it as part of their impeachment investigation.

Though Trump has not said that the decision is final, Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) and Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.), who leads the committee’s panel on the Constitution, said in a statement Wednesday that selecting Doral as the host of the next summit would be a potential violation of both the Foreign and Domestic Emoluments clauses in the Constitution, aimed at barring presidents from taking outside gifts.

“More importantly, the Doral decision reflects perhaps the first publicly known instance in which foreign governments would be required to pay President Trump’s private businesses in order to conduct business with the United States,” the pair said, pledging to schedule a hearing on the issue next month.

Nadler and Cohen said that Trump’s comments this week prove the president’s “personal financial interests are clearly shaping decisions about official U.S. government activities,” concluding that “this is precisely the type of risk that the Constitution’s Emoluments Clauses were intended to prevent.”

Joining “Fat Jerry”  is Rep. Steve Cohen; the same emotionally unhinged weirdo who famously chowed down on a bucket of KFC as an attention-getting stunt when Attorney General William Barr wisely snubbed Nadler over ridiculous conditions for a scheduled appearance before the committee.

The Tennessee Democrat is well known for his histrionics and ill-temper and like so many of his colleagues who fly the flag of a jackass as their party symbol, he is unfit to serve in Congress. He’d be a better fit for a role as a backwoods pervert in a “Sling Blade” sequel because he sure looks the part.

Democrats are truly getting desperate if they think that Americans are going to be swayed into impeaching Trump over the rarely-enforced Emoluments Clause which is nowhere near as sexy as the debunked Russian collusion conspiracy.

The other member nations of the G7 have to be scratching their heads over this lunacy thanks to a sworn foe of Trump and his dysfunctional gaggle of circus freaks on the Judiciary Committee.