I love a basket full of puppies. I love kittens. Who doesn’t enjoy the smell of freshly baked bread wafting through the kitchen, or a gentle breeze on a warm day? Ah. Isn’t life grand? It’s a joyous day!
Forgive me, but I had to write that shit in an effort not to be edited by one of our sponsors . . . again. It would seem that any title or any of the blurbs shown on below it on the main page that offend them are cause for pulling ads. We can’t have that, so that’s why I wrote what I did. Now on to the story!
I learned how to make a noose when I was sixteen. A friend taught me. I thought it was awesome! We began making them out of jump ropes, shoelaces, anything we could find and hanging them off various objects. We found it hilarious. And that’s all there was too it. Entertainment. Of course that was in the mid ’80s and I went to an almost all white school except for a few Asians and a Latino or two. No one was offended and certainly no one was charged with a crime.
But as we all know, things are different now and apparently just making and hanging a noose is all one needs to do to trigger snowflakes and be charged with a hate crime.
U of Illinois Student Charged With Hate Crime, Accused of Hanging a Noose in a Dorm Elevator
A University of Illinois math major may find himself adding up the years in prison if he’s found guilty of a felony hate crime charge for hanging a noose in a campus elevator.
A female friend reported Andrew Smith to police after authorities say he found a piece of rope, fashioned it into a noose, and then hung it in an elevator at a residence hall on the university’s Urbana-Champaign campus, the Chicago Tribune reports.
Smith, 19, of Normal, Ill. . . .
Normal, Illinois. Considering how “Andrew” (Andrea, more like) dresses, that’s the epitome of irony.

Yes, it’s a tranny. Eww.
. . . was arrested Monday night and arraigned Tuesday on a felony hate crime charge and a misdemeanor disorderly conduct charge. He pleaded not guilty and was released on a $5,000 bond. His next court date was set for Oct. 22.
The university has been embroiled in a number of racially charged incidents of late, including a lawsuit brought by black employees earlier this year who said they had been subjected to racial slurs and threats, including nooses, Ku Klux Klan garb, racist graffiti and Confederate flags, according to the Tribune.
I can’t speak for the slurs, maybe that’s true. Maybe it isn’t. But here’s the bit about KKK garb. “In an interview with Illinois Public Media, [Plaintiff Derick] Brown said a white coworker on a job site in August 2015 “cut out a rag off a sheet and cut holes in it and put it over his head like the KKK.”
“And all the other white guys in my shop — everybody just started laughing,” Brown said.
Inappropriate? Yes. Probably in poor taste? Yes. Meant as a joke? It would seem so to me. But it triggered someone so now that’s a threat.
Now about the racist graffiti. Who is it that we often find committing these alleged hate crimes? More often than not it turns out to be blacks themselves trying to stoke the flames of alleged “Trump-inspired racism.” I give you exhibit A of the racist graffiti found on the campus:
The first thing any neo-Nazi worth his salt would notice is that the swastika is backwards. Probably not the work of white supremacist. The second thing wrong with this picture is that the university is trying to associate Trump with Nazis. Clearly, this whoever (probably a black person) drew the swastika is not the same person who wrote ‘Trump’ under it. The writing utensil used to draw the symbol is not the same as the one used to write the President’s name. And who’s to say which came first? The swazi or Trump? Isn’t it possible that some Trump supporter wrote his name on the wall and then some Trump hater happened along and, believing Trump to be a Nazi like all liberals do, drew the backwards swastika? Seems reasonable to me.
As for being threatened by Confederate battle flags? Get over yourselves already.
In this latest incident, students at Allen Hall found the noose in the elevator early Sunday.
A crazy tranny hung a noose in an elevator. So what? There is nothing inherently racist about a noose. In fact I’d wager that more white people have died via hanging than blacks. It wasn’t like there was a noose accompanied by a sign that read, “Death to black people!” It was just a friggin’ noose. As trannies are often suicidal, maybe it was just a cry for help. Maybe Andrea was contemplating suicide? But no, it always has to be about racism.
Black students at the university expressed anger and said the university needed to get tougher on those who commit hate crimes and incidents of racial bias, WILL Illinois Public Media reports.
In a statement to WILL, the student organizations Black Students for Revolution and Black United Front demanded that the university regularly publicize all reported incidents of racism.
I’m pretty sure they already do. Liberals love to do that shit.
“We don’t want it hidden from the students, hidden from the campus,” Black Students for Revolution member Kayla Stewart told WILL. “We need to know about these things, we need to know about the kind of climate that students of color, specifically black students, are dealing with while they are on campus.”
Black Students for Revolution also called for the university to impose harsher penalties for racist acts, including expulsion for a minimum of two years.
“It’s just a question of: Is the university willing to protect and make black students feel comfortable and safe on campus?” Stewart said.
In a tweet Tuesday, Illinois Gov. Gov. J.B. Pritzker said hate had no place on campus and that he was glad swift action had been taken in the latest noose incident, tweeting, per the Chicago Sun-Times:
“Hate has no place in Illinois or in its educational institutions, and I’m glad swift action was taken to address this incident.”
“I’m committed to fighting intolerance and bigotry everywhere in our state and building a culture of learning at our universities that serves all students,” Pritzker said. “Support is being offered on campus for students who may wish to participate or attend community meetings to share their voices and experiences.”
And blah, blah, blah. Maybe you should be more tolerant of the crazy tranny in your midst instead of letting it be prosecuted on felony hate charges for which there seems to be no basis, Mr. Virtue Signaler.