Beto O’Rourke Slams Meghan McCain For Saying There Will Be Violence When He Tries To Take Our Guns

Slacker doofus Beto O’Rourke has a plan to ban and confiscate tens of millions of privately-owned firearms under the guise of a mandatory gun “buy back.” Besides the Constitutional issues of such a thing, there’s the problem of trying to pry these guns out of the hands of Americans, who are rather fond of their 2nd Amendment rights. Anyone with half a brain can see that when a tyrannical government attempts to confiscate weapons from the people, there will be violence. Demonstrating that he has somewhat less than half a brain, O’Rourke thinks this will be a smooth process and shamed Meghan McCain for thinking otherwise.

As dumb as it sounds, this starts out with something that happened on The View. Earlier in the week Meghan McCain was talking about O’Rourke’s plan to ban AR-15s and whatever else he thinks is an assault weapon. Part of his plan is forcing people to sell their existing semi-automatic rifles to the government, which is a gun confiscation under a different name.

McCain took issue with this saying, “The AR-15 is by far the most popular gun in America … if you’re talking about taking people’s guns, there’s going to be a lot of violence.”

“I’m not living without guns. It’s just that simple,” added McCain.

She ain’t wrong, but O’Rourke sure is. In an interview with The Daily Beast, he was asked about McCain’s assessment of his unconstitutional gun control plan:

“I just I think that kind of language and rhetoric is not helpful. It becomes self-fulfilling; you have people on TV who are almost giving you permission to be violent and saying, ‘You know this is this is going to happen,’” said O’Rourke.

Only a democrat thinks the truth is “not helpful.” Does he honestly believe he can confiscate tens of millions of guns from people who bought them legally and only ever used them lawfully? I guess he does and that should show the voters how ill-equipped he is to be president.

I can assure Beto of 2 things here: 1) if he tries take guns from Americans, they will resist and 2) it won’t be because of something someone said on The View.

Actually, I can assure him of a third thing: I own several weapons that would be banned under his plan and I’m neither selling them to the government nor surrendering them peacefully if they try to take ‘em from me. If the shock troops come to confiscate my guns, they are going to have to earn it.

I’m not unique in this belief, so times me by ten million people and tell me how many cops, federal agents, and soldiers it’s going to take to disarm the American people. There are around 700,000 full-time sworn police officers, 100,000 armed federal agents, and about 2 million active-duty and reserve soldiers in the US military. Even if we assume all of these cops and soldiers would fire on US citizens to violate their Constitutional rights (and they wouldn’t) that’s still 2.8 million versus 10 million-plus.

At least fellow anti-gun democrat Eric Swalwell wanted to nuke American gun owners, which is a much better plan than O’Rourke’s door-to-door gun confiscation scheme.

The thing that O’Rourke doesn’t seem to get, well one of the things, is that he’s not talking about confiscating Beanie Babies, he’s talking about taking guns. You know, those things that people use to shoot with? While it’s pretty hard to resist government oppression with a plush toys, guns were made for this sort of thing.

But hey, let’s give a big thumb’s up to the liberal media for clutching their pearls that Meghan McCain rightfully pointed out that Americans won’t give up their guns without a fight, while completely ignoring Beto O’Rourke’s unconstitutional unrealistic plan to disarm the country.