Pete Buttigieg Says Bible Supports Abortion And God Will Strike Down Pro-Lifers

We can add “liberal theology” to the list of disciplines bastardized by the left to push their immoral agenda. 2020 democratic candidate Pete Buttigieg says that not only does the Bible support abortion but also that God is going to strike down anyone who believes in the sanctity of life. He never actually said the “Christian Bible” so if he was talking about the Satatnic bible he may get a technical win on this one.

Gay Mayor Pete was on the urban radio show The Breakfast Club and after about 30 minutes of talking about how awful white people are, switched it up and talked about how awful people who oppose abortion are. Here he says God will smite the Republicans for putting reasonable limits of late-term abortions:

“Every other word that comes out of the mouth of Christ is about things like helping those in need and you got a Republican Party dedicated to its opposite. There will be a reckoning over it. Now right now they hold everyone in line with this one kind of piece of doctrine about abortion,” said Pete.

So far, Buttigieg says that abortion is synonymous with Christ helping people and that Republicans who oppose killing unborn babies are going to have a “reckoning” AKA be struck down by God. If only there were some way he could make this terrible interpretation of scripture worse.

“There’s a lot of parts of the Bible about how life begins with breath,” said Buttigieg.

You got that? Buttigieg says life begins when the baby takes it’s first breath and since he’s talking in the context of abortion, that means he believes that’s it’s oaky to kill a baby anytime before it starts breathing. What that also means is that he thinks infanticide is okay because many babies don’t take their first breath for several moments after being born. According to Mayor Pete it’s acceptable to kill a baby after it has been born, which is something the rest of us would consider murder.

Even worse, Buttigieg is claiming that the Bible supports this. I’m not sure what Bible passages he is referring to, but generally speaking infanticide is treated as a bad thing like when the Pharaoh or King Herod does it.

He’s also wrong because the Bible makes several mentions of babies being living human beings inside the mother’s womb. In Psalms, Isaiah, Jeremiah it says that God knits children in the womb. In Luke, John the Baptist leapt for joy in Elizabeth’s womb upon hearing Mary’s voice.

What Bible passage says babies are clumps of cells until they take their first breath so it’s okay to kill them at any point before that? Granted, I’ve never read the Bible cover-to-cover, but I think if something like that was in there I would have heard about it.

There’s also science, that stuff democrats claim they believe in, that proves babies are living human being inside the mother’s womb. They have heartbeats, can feel pain, and premature babies are viable people who not only survive but grow up to be adults.

While the Bible definitely doesn’t support destroying God’s creation with abortion, it does have plenty to say about homosexuality and not in a positive way. I wonder how Buttigieg interprets passages that call his sexuality an “abomination.” He probably thinks it means it means God is giving a thumbs up to sodomy because he seems that clueless.