Kamala Harris Agrees With Supporter That President Trump Is ‘Mentally Retarded’

One of the many ways liberals manufacture outrage over president Trump is by claiming his failure to disavow things his supporters say means he also feels that way. The liberal media has spent more time fainting over Trump rally chants of “locker her up” and “send her back” than actually covering anything that would qualify as news. Part of this faux outrage includes a double-standard that says things are only bad when Trump does them. A Kamala Harris supporter called Trump “mentally retarded” and she agreed with a laugh. Needless to say, the liberal media isn’t clutching their pearls over this one.

Here’s a fun video that shows what a hypocrite Kamala Harris is:

A guy, possibly Apu formerly of The Simpsons, was terribly upset that democrats weren’t moving fast enough to impeach President Trump.

“What are you going to do about his mentally retarded actions?” the man asked.

The crowd applauded and Harris laughed.

“Well said. Well said,” replied Harris.

According to the rules dictated by the liberals, not disavowing an offensive statement is tacit support for the offensive statement. Harris not only didn’t disavow what this guy said, she complimented him twice, meaning she has triple support for calling the President “mentally retarded.”

The crazy thing here is that from a liberal point of view, the offense isn’t against Trump, but rather people with mental disabilities. As you may know, the PC police banished the formerly proper term “mental retardation” and it is now considered a slur.

Harris would never apologize to Trump, but she is very worried about offending overly-sensitive leftist idiots, so she tried to BS her way out of this with…well BS.

In a “sorry, not sorry” moment captured by NBC, Harris straight-up lied:

Harris was asked if she regretted agreeing that Trump is “mentally retarded” and instead of a “yes” she responded like this:

“Let me just be really clear. I would never condone that kind of language being spoken by anybody about anybody,” said Harris.

That’s a lie. She absolutely condoned that kind of language because she praised the person who used it.

Keeping the lies going, Harris also BSed CBS News reporter Caitlin Huey-Burns:

If she didn’t hear what that guy said, why did she compliment him on what he said? The correct answer is, she’s lying.

The good news for Harris is that the liberal media has her back. This thing is already over and it won’t be troubling her any further. If President Trump had done the exact same thing the left would freak out about it until the end of time, but Harris is a democratic woman of color, which gives her triple protection against scrutiny.