What is the definition of a mass shooting? You know those gun violence incidents that according to liberals happen every day in America. For instance, in 273 days into 2017 mumbling stuttering Nancy Pelosi said we had 273 mass shootings. “One for every day of the year.” Wikipedia states, that the liberal “Gun Violence Archive” says a mass shooting is “four or more shot (injured or killed) in a single event [incident], at the same general time and location, not including the shooter.” As a general rule, most anti-gun liberals (I know that sounds like an oxymoron, but at least a couple of them own firearms) agree with these statements and the one by that whiny little bitch David Hogg who said in reference to the shootings in El Paso and Dayton, “You see these shootings on TV every day and very little happening around it.”
Is that so? I don’t see mass shootings every day on TV. And I especially didn’t notice much coverage of the one I’m about to show you here. CNN who normally would be all over any opportunity to exploit a mass shooting devoted all of seven sentences to it. So there was a “mass shooting” in Indianapolis Sunday and nobody cared. How so?
Police seek juvenile in downtown Indianapolis shooting that left 6 wounded
INDIANAPOLIS — A shooting in downtown Indianapolis that left six people wounded probably started with a fight between two juvenile groups, Indianapolis police said in a Sunday, Sept. 22 news release.
The shooting happened around 11 p.m. Saturday in the area of West Maryland and North Illinois streets, according to the statement.
Officers who responded found six victims suffering from gunshot wounds, said Genae Cook of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department. All six were taken to hospitals. Two were in critical condition, one was in serious but stable condition, and three suffered minor injuries, said Cook.
So is the liberal media silence because no one died? Don Henley once sang about the news media, “It’s interesting when people die.” No one died here. Maybe that’s why no one knows about this. No, that can’t be it. Let’s delve a bit further into the possible motives for this media blackout.
Police were seeking the shooter, believed to be a juvenile.

Aha! Here’s the first clue. The shooter was black and as we all know, as a general rule the liberal media only likes to play up shootings committed by white people as it fits their agenda of mass shooters being white crazy “gun nuts.”
“This shooting is likely the result of disturbance/fight between two juvenile groups and not a randomly targeted shooting,” the statement said.
Three of the wounded were juveniles.
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and throw in a little conjecture. How much do you want to bet that the six victims were also black? That would explain the mere seven sentences by CNN on the topic. Because we all know liberals think black on black crime isn’t a problem. They can’t contradict that by making a big deal out of this. OR it could be that all the victims were white and they certainly can’t report that because that would be a hate crime and we also know that it’s impossible for blacks to perpetrate hate crimes on whites. But my money is on the former.
“The disregard for human life and inability to emotionally handle conflict last night is past feeling,” police Chief Bryan Roach said. “Constant monitoring and community involvement of our youth downtown was successful all summer. Individual decisions last night are reflective of few of our youth. Let’s celebrate our youth and address those unable to process the importance of their own young lives. Let’s all do our part.”
All that aside, perhaps the police are grieving a loss. One of the stages of grief is denial and one police sergeant seems to be suffering from it.
Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, Sgt. Genae Cook said,”I don’t believe this is a mass shooting type situation.”
Why not? Six friggin’ people were shot! Is it because the shooter’s accuracy was so poor that he failed to kill anyone?
Which leads us to only one conclusion. This isn’t as big a deal to libs as other mass shootings because:
a) The shooter wasn’t white
b) The victims were probably black
c) Assuming the picture of the shooter above was taken just before the incident, he probably didn’t use an “assault rifle” (as libs like to call normal semi-automatic rifles). Because where is he concealing it? Of course a violent young thug like this has probably already served some time in juvenile hall so up his ass is almost a possibility.
In any event, this happened but it’s no big deal because it doesn’t fit any part of the liberal anti-gun agenda.
And one parting shot about Glitter Princess David Hogg who is now apparently using a baby picture of himself on his Twitter account . . . . appropriate considering he constantly cries like an infant who needs his shit-filled diaper changed. Anyway, he said this yesterday:
I’m tired of living in the divided states of America
— David Hogg text VOTE to 954-954 (@davidhogg111) September 23, 2019
And we’ve LOOOOOONG been tired of you, Princess. So get the fuck out already.