Pete Buttigieg Got Into A Fight With A Bee And Lost

I feel like there’s a metaphor for his floundering presidential camping somewhere in here. Democrat Pete Buttigieg got into a fight with a bee and lost. It’s not so much that the bee stung him but rather that he lacked the physical capabilities to take out the insect, which spells bee victory all day long. Maybe this isn’t a metaphor for Mayor Pete’s fledging campaign but rather tangible proof that he’s a wussy beta male soy boy. How was this dude ever in the U.S. military?

South Bend mayor and 2020 hopeful Buttigieg was giving a speech to a small group of people, when he was attacked. A bee flew in his face, but his reflexes were too slow to bat it away. After jumping like a scared girl, Buttigieg noticed the bee had landed on his tie.

“Well that’s an unexpected (mumble). I guess I’m just that sweet,” said Buttigieg looking at the bee.

That’s not how bees work, Opie. They aren’t attracted to sweet stuff like honey, they make honey. Bees are attacked to pollen. Where are the brave liberal media fact-checkers to call Buttigieg out on this blatant misrepresentation of fact?

Not that this was ever a competitive battle, but here’s where things went to shit for Mayor Pete.

First Buttigieg tried to blow the bee off his tie but lacked the lung capacity to move the insect. As sad as that was, it got worse when he tried to flick the bee away. After several tries, Buttigieg had to come to terms that he didn’t have enough finger strength to flick a tiny insect off of his tie.

Like all democrats, Buttigieg had no good ideas to solve a simple problem so he went with the next best think: stupidity. He carefully removed his tie and handed it someone with instructions to take the bee outside.

Maybe this is a metaphor for the democrats’ immigration position. When faced with unwanted invaders, rather than take simple steps to address the issue, they capitulate and let the invaders stay. No, that can’t be it because democrats want illegal aliens here for the votes. I’m going to stop looking for metaphors here and just embrace Buttigieg’s wussdom.

After looking like a huge sissy, Buttigieg tried to save face with this almost certainly fake take of bravery:

“I’m proceeding with caution because I may be the only person you know who knows what bee venom tastes like. I bit into a sandwich one time that has a visitor kind of like this and now I’m rather cautious around bees,” said Buttigieg.

This story is either a lie or proves what a moron Buttigieg is. Why was there a bee inside of his sandwich? That doesn’t make any sense so the bee had to be on his sandwich and that makes him the type of person who eats a sandwich with a bee on it without noticing.

Also, if he got stung in his mouth, he doesn’t know what bee venom tastes like, he knows what it feels like to be stung by a bee in the mouth. Again, where are the liberal media fact-checkers?

There’s plenty of reasons why Pete Buttigieg should never be president: his lack of experience, his terrible socialist ideas, that he’s a democrat, etc… This however is the most disqualifying of all because shows how bad he is at decision making and problem solving. If he can’t deal with a bee on his tie, how is he going to handle Russia, China, and Iran?