Joe Biden Turns In Another Incoherent Debate Performance

Joe Biden can’t remember Obama’s name, thinks Margaret Thatcher is the British Prime Minister, and has no idea where Texas, Ohio, and Vermont are located. In last night’s democratic debate he had the opportunity to demonstrate that his mind is sharp and that he is fit to serve. Instead, he declared himself the Vice President of the United States, almost spit his teeth out, and rambled incoherently. Don’t worry Joe, the rest of the democratic field is so horrible that you won’t have anything to worry about until the general election.

Many liberal pundits are declaring Joe Biden the clear winner of the democratic debates in Houston Thursday night. I think maybe that says more about the other candidates than Biden’s performance because…well, check this out:

Biden was asked about the deportation of illegal immigrants under Obama, which was much more than with current President Trump. Biden said Obama did the best he could, which is not something he feels about Trump, and then was asked why he, as Obama’s VP, didn’t do more to stop the deportations.

“I’m the Vice President of the United States!” yelled Biden.

Notice he didn’t say he used to be the vice president but rather that he is currently serving in that role. The liberal fact-checking outlets aren’t going to challenge this delusion, but Mike Pence might have a thing or two to say about it.

From there it didn’t get much better for Biden:

After being asked why voters should trust him to pass gun control when he failed so miserably as vice president (when he was actually VP), Biden nearly spit his dentures out on the podium. As if that weren’t bad enough, he then said this:

“I’m the only guy up here who has beaten the NRA,” claimed Biden.

Really? When did Biden beat the NRA and how come the NRA still exists if he trounced them so thoroughly?

Finally, there was this Biden moment, which defies any and all explanation:

Huh? No seriously. Huh?

I watched through this last one a few times and this is the best interpretation I can come up with: Joe Biden if going to send social workers into people private homes to force parents into leaving record players running in their children’s bedrooms at night so they won’t be so stupid when they go to school at 3-year-old. Sounds like a solid plan based on science and constitutionality.

While the liberal pundits have declared Joe Biden the victor of the latest democratic debates, the real winner is President Trump. With the mumbly-mouthed incoherent Biden as the democratic party’s front runner, it only adds up to 4 more years of Trump.