NYC Makes It Illegal To Say ‘Illegal Alien’

New York City has outlawed the term “illegal alien.” I don’t mean they banned it from from official government documents like a lot of other liberal places have done. The city has made it a crime for people to says the words “illegal alien.” In the most liberal thing ever, it’s not a crime to be an illegal alien, but it is illegal to call an illegal alien an “illegal alien.” In other words, people illegally in this country get a free pass, but American citizens will be jailed for calling these lawbreakers what they are.

“Illegal alien” is an official government term for people who are present in this country without permission. “Alien” referee to people who are not U.S. citizens and the “illegal” part comes from the fact that it’s against the law. This perfectly acceptable term has become offensive to liberals because it accurately describes the illegal nature of illegal immigration. They want illegal aliens for the votes so they have tried to rebrand them as “undocumented immigrants” or simply “immigrants” and even “new Americans” to make their criminal activity seem less terrible.

And while liberals have been going the “shame on you” route to get people to stop using the term “illegal aliens” NYC has straight-up criminalized it:

As you can see, it is now illegal to use the term “illegal alien.” They say that it’s only the “derogatory” use of it, but “illegal alien” is not a compliment, much in the same way “registered sex offender” or “democratic socialist” are not compliments. This is a complete ban on the term.

New Yorkers also can’t call ICE on illegal aliens, which means that the law now forces everyone in the city to be a part of the sanctuary experience.

Easily the worst part of this law, that is probably overlooked by most, is that no one is allowed to discriminate against people who don’t speak English. What this means is that if you are a business owner and a non-English speaking customer comes in, you have to provide an interpreter or you are in violation of the law. Hell, you’d probably be breaking the law if some foreigner came up to you on the street, asking for directions in his mumbo-jumbo language and you can’t give him an answer.

Actually, I take that back. The worst part of this law is that NYC will fine American citizens a quarter of a million dollars for not complying with these ridiculous and unconstitutional laws. It’s going to be some seriously bad optics when the city hits a plumber from Queens with a $250,000 fine for using the term “illegal alien.”

Fresh off his failed presidential campaign, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio is itching to bring the hammer down on law-abiding Americans to protect law-breaking foreign nationals:

Yeah, de Blasio’s head is so far up his own ass that he thinks speaking English and respecting the law are acts of hate. It’s hard to believe he never got more than 0% support in the democratic primary race, because this is the kind of nonsensical progressive extremism that liberal ding-dongs eat up.

What this move shows is that democrats are fascists who want to control every aspect of our lives. They want to tell us what to eat, how we have to behave, and what we are allowed to think and say. If these tyrants ever take charge of this country, we will be envious of the freedom people had in Soviet Russia.