Elizabeth Warren Promises ‘Free’ Sex Change Operations For Transgender Prisoners

For 2020, the democratic candidates are hoping if they promise enough “free” stuff they’ll be able to beat President Trump. If this sounds like they’re trying to buy votes, don’t worry, these are democrats and nothing they do is wrong, illegal, or unethical. Elizabeth Warren has promised trillions of dollars in government giveaways to special interest groups including $1 trillion in “environmental racism” reparations. She has now set her sights on the ever-important transgender convicted felon voting block by promising prisoners “free” sex change operations.

Warren released her LGBT pander platform today and there’s one group of people who can’t legally vote who will definitely be voting for her:

We must also end solitary confinement and other practices that make prisons unsafe for LGBTQ+ people. While incarcerated, LGBTQ+ people experience unique threats to their safety. But these conditions should not be used to justify placing LGBTQ+ prisoners in solitary confinement, putting them at risk of even greater psychological distress. I will eliminate solitary confinement, implement a rigorous auditing program to ensure prisons are adhering to the Prison Rape Elimination Act, and prosecute prison staff who engage in misconduct. And I will direct the Bureau of Prisons to end the Trump Administration’s dangerous policy of imprisoning transgender people in facilities based on their sex assigned at birth and ensure that all facilities meet the needs of transgender people, including by providing medically necessary care, like transition-related surgeries, while incarcerated.

There’s a lot of weird liberal logic going on here: LGBT people face danger by being in the general population, but Warren wants to eliminate solitary confinement where they would definitely be safe from assault. Also, she wants to end prison rape by placing biological men and women in the same prison facilities. What does she think goes on behind bars?

All of that pales in comparison to the fact that Warren is promising our tax dollars to transgender prisoners for sex change operations. She calls these “medically necessary” but they are without question elective surgeries. Nobody needs their junk chopped off and a set of boobies to live.

Besides the fact that Warren wants to steal our money to give transgender felons shiny news sets of genitals, here’s the biggest problem with her plan: If prisoners get “free” sex change operations, transgenders will find a reason to go to prison. A man who wears a dress and calls himself a woman is already stigmatized so it’s not like a felony conviction is going to make him look any worse, especially when weighed against the cost of a sex change operation.

Transgenders will commit crimes just bad enough to get sent to prison so they can reap the benefits of Warren’s generosity with our hard-earned cash.

This is the same issue behind President Trump banning openly transgendered people from serving in the military. Thanks to Obama, a person could join the U.S. military, immediately declare transgender status, and then get a sex change courtesy of the American taxpayer.

If someone is wired wrong and they want to get their private parts scooped out or fashioned into a Frankendong, that’s their business. There is however no justification for making the American taxpayers cover this unnecessary surgery.

This is another example, albeit a pretty extreme one, of democrats finding new ways to take our money and give it to people who don’t deserve it. You will never see a democrat say, “Here’s my plan to make sure you get to keep more of the money you’ve earn.” It’s always, “I’m giving ‘free stuff’ too scumbags and losers and you are paying for it.”

What makes this the greatest thing ever is that Elizabeth Warren is trying to buy votes with free vaginas, boobs, and penises. It takes a lot of balls to make a campaign promise like that.