Protesters At Netflix Transgender Riot Attack Guy With ‘We Like Dave’ Sign

Comedian Dave Chapelle’s latest Netflix comedy special has Gaystapo fuming mad because he made s joke about transgender people. Today, upity Netflix employees staged a walk-out and we’re quickly joined by LGBT allies in the street. There were also counter protesters on hand and one of them was attacked for carrying a sign that read “We Like Dave.”

In Dave Chappelle’s Netflix special The Closer, he defended Harry Potter writer JK Rowling, who has been accused of transphobia for saying dudes in dresses aren’t real women.

“I’m team TERF!” Chappelle said. “Gender is a fact.”

TERF stands for “trans-exclusionary radical feminist” and it’s what the Gaystapo calls Rowling for her science-based opinion on women.

And then Chappelle told a joke, as comedians are known to do:

“Now, I am not saying that to say trans women aren’t women, I am just saying that those pussies that they got, you know what I mean? I’m not saying it’s not pussy, but it’s Beyond Pussy or Impossible Pussy. It tastes like pussy, but that’s not quite what it is, is it? That’s not blood. That’s beet juice,” said Chappelle.

Since liberals and especially the LGBT community can’t take a joke, the outrage was immediate and furious, with calls for Chappell to be cancelled from society.

Which brings us to today outside Netflix HQ in Hollywood, where the streaming service’s employees staged a walk-out. It’s unclear what their demands are but it probably has something to do with having Chapelle and all CIS gender men executed so their feelings won’t be hurt anymore.

The protesters gots some Z-list celebrity support as well:

Dear God.

There were also some Dave Chappelle supporters on hand to stand against cancel culture and for free speech. Since lefties hate free expression even more than humor, you can guess what happened:

The guy had a sign that read “We Like Dave” on one side and “Jokes Are Funny” on the other. The mob descended upon him, took his sign and ripped it to shreds. Then some little weirdo put her arms up to “block” the man from continuing to support Chappelle.

The guy was swarmed again and accused of having a weapon because he was holding the stick that his sign used to be on. They told him he had to leave. When he refused, they shook a tambourine in his face and called him a “mother*cker” about 20 times.

These people seem reasonable.

I want to say “f*ck ’em if they can’t take a joke” but these people are already so f*cked in the head it would be a lateral move.