They Can Only Dream; Poll Shows Michelle Obama More Popular Than 2020 Dems

Before Anthony Scaramucci, there was the original Mooch…

There are many who are still hoping that a candidate with star power will ride to the rescue for Democrats and according to a new poll, there is a reason for optimism.

With each CNN debate, Americans get a better look at exactly how crazed that the current incarnation of the Democratic party has become with the zanies one-upping each other in terms of craziness.

There is not one candidate in the running who stands a snowball’s chance in Hell at beating President Trump next November and deep in their hearts, the left knows it and has been holding out hope for their messiah.


The former first lady has been the one who generates the most enthusiasm with the resistance and the likes of morbidly obese propagandist Michael Moore who has begged her to run.

While Mrs. Obama has been coy about her political aspirations, a new poll shows that were she to enter the race for the White House, that she would immediately rocket to the top over the socialist crash test dummies who are now battling for the nomination.

Via The Washington Times, “Uh-oh: Michelle Obama would win the Democratic primary race if she ran”:

A certain former first lady would sweep the current Democratic presidential standings if she chose to run for president in 2020 — and we’re not talking about Hillary Clinton here.

“Former first lady Michelle Obama would enter the 2020 Democratic New Hampshire primary race as the front-runner, a new Franklin Pierce University-Boston Herald poll has found — though so far she’s insisted she won’t,” reports pollster R. Kelly Myers.

The poll, conducted Oct. 9-13, has Sen. Elizabeth Warren and former Vice President Joseph R. Biden tied in the lead of the current Democratic field in the Granite State primary, with Sen. Bernard Sanders slightly behind.

“Today, the Democratic race is a statistical dead heat between Warren (25%), Biden (24%) and Sanders (22%). If Michelle Obama were to enter the race, it would change things dramatically. Twenty-six percent of Democrats would vote for her, making her the new front-runner. Under this scenario, Obama (26%) would lead Warren (20%), (Biden (20%) and Sanders (15%). She would take away four points from Warren, four points from Biden and seven points from Sanders,” Mr. Meyers said.

Not that such a thing would sit well with another ex-FLOTUS, conspiracy-spewing hateful hag Hillary Clinton who would trample Mrs. Obama in her haste to enter the race although her favorability ratings with the larger electorate would portend a Trumpslide in 2020.

Liberals can wish for Michelle Obama to save them from Trump but Barry’s better half may not be willing to relinquish the life of a global celebrity superstar who has been hailed as the “most admired” woman on the planet.

She is also going to be settling into that $15 million waterfront mansion at tony Martha’s Vineyard and a return to the White House would be a step down from the lifestyle of the rich and famous that she now enjoys.

That this poll is getting the attention that it is has a hidden message that few if any in the mainstream media will ever acknowledge – the 2020 field sucks out loud.

Mrs. Obama has refused to endorse any of the current candidates but Barack did just offer up his choice for president – of Canada.

Dream on liberals, dream on!